Fishtail trousers?


LeJog 2022 Finisher
Does anyone know a trusted good quality source for fishtail trousers? Not corduroy or man made textiles.

I did find a store called Etsy with some nice looking examples but I have never really heard anything about the place. My other choice is to consider a made to measure pair.

Any suggestions most appreciated
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Have a look at Simon James Cathcart, Tails and the Unexpected, Thomas Farthing, Darcy Clothes, Chester Cordite, Old Town Clothing, Rocacha Tailoring. The last two are made to order/measure.

There are others I can list, but dodging back and forth between TSR and my bookmarks on an old iPad isn't too handy. I'll get stuck in on my other machine later on, but these may give you a start.

Buying fishtail trousers and other clothing from the people I've listed is even more of a money pit than top quality shaving gear, so be warned.
Does anyone know a trusted good quality source for fishtail trousers? Not corduroy or man made textiles.

I did find a store called Etsy with some nice looking examples but I have never really heard anything about the place. My other choice is to consider a made to measure pair.

Any suggestions most appreciated
Etsy is a "marketplace" website, which I've used, but not for trousers. I've had a look at the various sellers' offerings on Etsy, most of which (for new trousers) seem to be from outside the UK. Some look pretty good.

You should be able to find the websites for the names I've given above, but please say if you can't. One or two likely ones, such as Pakeman Catto in Cirencester, have packed up (Pakeman after 150 years of men's outfitting there).

One thing to be wary of is that some trousers are described as "fishtail" when they have a normal level waistband with just a notch at the back, which isn't quite what I would describe thus.
I looked the term up and still have no idea what fishtail trousers are other than from the pictures that all show people wearing pants that don't fit.

What are fishtail trousers and what advantages do they offer?
I looked the term up and still have no idea what fishtail trousers are other than from the pictures that all show people wearing pants that don't fit.

What are fishtail trousers and what advantages do they offer?
They're high-waisted, fairly roomy if you like, or if your figure allows, as tight as you want in the upper regions. The fly is usually button, and they generally have buttons for braces/galluses/US "suspenders" (in UK an item of women's underwear or men's sock hold-ups) and sometimes a cinch-back strap (like old Levis). If you prefer to hold your trousers up with braces from your shoulders rather than a belt, then these will do.

The fishtail comes from the cut of the back of the waistband and the v-shape. I'm no tailor, but I think this styling is partly decorative, partly traditional (like watch pockets on jeans, ticket pockets on coats etc.) and practical, to allow the high waist to fit the body correctly.

This style is not for those who like hipster trousers, or to have several inches of their underpants showing above the trouser waistband. Unless they're made to fit, they're perhaps not the best trouser for those gents with a fuller figure and waistline. As with other vintage styles such as USAAF flight jackets and so on, they were in fashion when men were less well-built than today. I'd go so far as to say that they are best if bespoke anyway, and my own view is that they can be ill-fitting if not so made.

As to the advantages, the features I mention may or may not appeal, or offer any benefits, and, as with most clothing, it's down to preference, personal style, comfort and the ability (or wish) to wear things to best advantage. Again, as with any outfits, they may not be the most appropriate style for some people, yet they will wear them.

If YMMV is important in shaving requisites, that palls into insignificance when it comes down to the serious matter of trousers. And they thought Wallace had problems....! The Wrong Trousers
Excellent reply ferum and most appreciated. I shall explore those suppliers you made mention of and hopefully find what I am after. I may still look at the tailored bespoke route and I'll try a few local shops for pricing and material choice.

Indeed I am after the fishtail which is very defined and raised at the back and not just simply a 'notch' as you rightfully describe.

Why? I used to have a few pairs well in the past and they are trousers which have always rather suited me. It was a suggestion from my wife as she does like different and she knows what suits me more than I ever do. Plus I do like braces but the usual clip on type never quite look right to me. Buttons are a far more attractive and practical preference.
I looked the term up and still have no idea what fishtail trousers are other than from the pictures that all show people wearing pants that don't fit.

What are fishtail trousers and what advantages do they offer?



Excellent reply ferum and most appreciated. I shall explore those suppliers you made mention of and hopefully find what I am after. I may still look at the tailored bespoke route and I'll try a few local shops for pricing and material choice.

Indeed I am after the fishtail which is very defined and raised at the back and not just simply a 'notch' as you rightfully describe.

Why? I used to have a few pairs well in the past and they are trousers which have always rather suited me. It was a suggestion from my wife as she does like different and she knows what suits me more than I ever do. Plus I do like braces but the usual clip on type never quite look right to me. Buttons are a far more attractive and practical preference.

I've always liked them, and in my suit-wearing days, had my trousers made that way. I also wore them with coloured felt braces, before those became associated with City slickers and Wall Street sharks.

The very high waist is, I think, better suited to those with a slimmer figure. Until I gave up smoking in my fifties, my weight and measurements were the same as in my twenties, and I could carry it off. Alas, not the case now.

I'll be very interested to know how you get on, and where you find what you're seeking.
Blimey, what a Forum. I have only been a member for less than 24 hours and what a wealth of information. Fish tails - excellent. I have always loved the high wasted trouser, with heavily pleated fronts and then sevely tapered to the ankle. More difficult to pull off with the heavier frame and nowdays, tailering and shoe repair skills are virtually gone unless you happen to be in London. I now literally have to send my shoes to London for repair, just can't trust local shoe repairers.

I would also say that now, unless you live in London, people would look at you as if you've just stepped in from Mars, if one saunters in wearing a classy pair of fishtails. I get the same nowdays when I just venture out in a suit in the evenings, but there again who cares!
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