Feather hi stainless black vs yellow

Tuesday April 12, 2022
Just curious to see whether these blades are different in any way other than box colour and quantity within. Just had my best shave so far using the black which I hadn't tried before, always like the yellow. Are the black different or it it just that I’m betting more used to my razor?
Just curious to see whether these blades are different in any way other than box colour and quantity within. Just had my best shave so far using the black which I hadn't tried before, always like the yellow. Are the black different or it it just that I’m betting more used to my razor?
They are the same blades.
Black card is for five and yellow card is for ten blades! :)

Especially for blades that carry the nickname "Ninjas" :cool:

... as opposed to a pack of blades which are actually called 'Ninja' :love:

Hey thought I'd share this, member APBinNCA over at B&B forum had a pic of his SOTD on the Henson razor club thread and I noticed the feather tuck he had seemed to be blue,

I've never seen these tucks before and it's meant for the Latin american market and comes in a card of 50 instead of the usual box

thought I'd ask I I could share the pic

Anyone seen these before?
I think the blue tuck looks really cool

Cool, I guess, maybe they don't like the yellow color for some reason?
No idea but the blue tucks so cool

Was surprised to see the blue tuck and wondered why they picked the blue colour tucks for latin america as I understand it's only the black/white 5 pack and yellow/white 10 the rest of the world I think
No idea but the blue tucks so cool

Was surprised to see the blue tuck and wondered why they picked the blue colour tucks for latin america as I understand it's only the black/white 5 pack and yellow/white 10 the rest of the world I think

Hmm, best guess - only the blues are packaged in a "kiosk hanger", maybe the blue colour stands out better in a kiosk?

As far as I know - the black/red 100 pack is distributed in Thailand, and I think elsewhere in Asia

And seems the yellow pack designed for outside Japan/rest of Asia/Latin America.

I don't think they actually have a 100-pack commonly available in Japan. They do have a 10-pack or 2 x 10pack on hanging card:

They also have hanging cards in Thailand:

Also common in Thailand is this pack with a Wing razor (looks like a Tech clone), along with Feather. Have my doubts as to wether the razor/blade pack is approved by Feather. As I understand it - Feather blades are poplular in Thailand amongst Buddhist monks (many young men spend a period time being monks), and the feather blades/Wing package are a poplular gift to give the monks, for head shaving.
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