Faux Ivory scratches/uneven handle base.

Wednesday August 26, 2009
New Forest, England.
I have the odd brush which has a few scratches under the base, also some with a slightly uneven base. Exactly how can these issues be dealt with, and what materials or equipment is required? An idiots guide would be appreciated.
Get a mixed pack Wet n Dry sandpaper and glue (PVA) onto a solid flat surface and use it as a sanding board.

Whilst holding the handle of the brush and using smallish circular motion you should be able to eradicate scratches and level the base. Use a little water to lubricate the surface and stop dust from kicking up.

Start with 120 or 240 grade to flatten and remove heavy scoring then something like 600/800 or 1000 to remove fine scratches but you'll have to experiment to see what works best, you may want to use finer grade to get a better finish.
The scratches if not too deep can be removed by using Autosol(even cheap toothpaste/powder) followed by Brasso or T cut.
It would be easy to do if you had access to a buffing mop on a bench grinder or lathe. Or maybe even a hand drill attachemnt.
Doing this by hand only could take a while but it depends on how deep the scratches are.
If too deep the brush may have to be mounted on a lathe and the scratches turned out,tricky with the knot glued in,but possible.
The uneven base will need to be turned flat or a small base/plinth can be turned for the brush to sit in.
regards, beejay
For scratches, what's been said above. For badly uneven bases, absent machinery, sell them as seconds. Levelling them off by hand could be very tiresome and longwinded because of the tendency to round the base.
I knew you lads would come up with the answers. I'm a complete duffer on these things. Many thanks.

From the Apple Store, Southampton - my private internet cafe. Must get on with some shopping.
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