Egypt ...... Sharks

Should all last you 3,600-4,000 shaves..3 uses and passes per blade?


Robert Otten said:
I've got 300 in the mail and just finished ordering 300 more.

I'm not saying anything .....

I'm very close to 1200. How about you?

I only have about 60. They are a great blade and very cheap. My only reason for not stocking up is that I've found a few other blades I've liked enough to stock up on. But these are next on my list. Got to be one of the best all founders out there (and haven't even tried the super thromes yet)
I had a go with one this morning from my sample pack.

I didn't get on with it :( It struggled to cut through 1st pass - I had to switch out to a feather to do the job.
nickyd said:
With all the trouble in Egypt,should we be stocking up with Sharks now?

Only if the Moslem Brotherhood secure total power, become extreme and introduce Sharia law possibly. However even if a future (& unlikely imo) ruling group in Egypt didn't wish their own men to shave I'm pretty sure that they'd be happy to make & export blades. I don't believe that there's any need for us to panic just yet about Shark production. (but then at one time I wouldn't have believed that GB would have gone to war to support an American Pres, so that's how much my opinions are worth).

JohnnyO. :oops:
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