EDT / Cologne

Saturday January 12, 2019
Found a wonderful post in the archives that explained about the differences between Aftershaves , Cologne , and EDT. I never really understood the differences before.

I appreciate it is very individual but if you where to choose an EDT or Cologne to start with a scent that lasts a reasonably long time , what would you start with ?
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I find that most aftershave splashes lose their scent in an hour or two, and I really slap a lot on. Snakebite is a good choice! I don't put cologne or edt on my face after I've shaved, it stings like a bugger. I sometimes put some on the back of my neck.
One for you @Benz3ne :D

If you're going in completely (nose) blind then I would suggest getting yourself to a department store, or even a decent Boots and sampling their selection to build up an idea of what you like/dislike.
The scents that I have tried so far that I really enjoy are:

P and B Star Noir according to the information it is modelled after one called Minotaur
Barts Balms - Have a Lotion which is Amber and Moroccan Jasmine.
Blue Water
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Found a wonderful post in the archives that explained about the differences between Aftershaves , Cologne , and EDT. I never really understood the differences before.

I appreciate it is very individual but if you where to choose an EDT or Cologne to start with a scent that lasts a reasonably long time , what would you start with ?
Add your name to the list for the copycat samples, it might give you some ideas.
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