Descaling a Delonghi ICM15210

Tuesday February 25, 2014
I know you're supposed to descale every 60 cycles (cups, basically). The descaling liquid that you're supposed to use is insanely expensive £10 for 500ml. Can you use Citric acid crystals instead, or is really a case of the "approved" liquid?
I can't remember the chemistry but I think you have to be careful using pure citric acid without a buffer IF your machine has an aluminium boiler/parts. This stuff is fine, one sachet per descale...
I bought the official Delonghi descaling fluid because our machine was newly bought and cost loads and because it's a requirement of the guarantee and free 1st year service that you use the official fluid.
However if the machine is not expensive then I'd use just regular descaler from the supermarket and follow the instructions for coffee makers.
The frequency of descaling depends on your water harness. In fact on ours you program in your water harness and it tells you when it needs descaling - probably too often I imagine to squeeze a few more pounds out of you.
I did read something in the manual about descaling being a requirement. Mine is a fairly el-cheapo maker costing less than £25. But, SWMBO would flip her lid if I replaced it within a year. The descaler antdad linked towards looks good. Plus for the price, darn site better than £10 for four. And considering based on how many you're supposed to for me, it means descaling monthly.
90 cycles (3 months?) is a bit generous especially for a drip machine, as mentioned it depends on the hardness of you water so unless its stupidly hard every six months should really be fine.
Be a bit careful what you do use as some products can damage the seals in the machine. I would recommend the Jura descale can buy these for about £1 each and 3 will be enough for a descale on that size machine. Remember to dissolve in hot water as it is more effective.

Be a bit careful what you do use as some products can damage the seals in the machine. I would recommend the Jura descale can buy these for about £1 each and 3 will be enough for a descale on that size machine. Remember to dissolve in hot water as it is more effective.
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