Dark blue jeans restoration


Staff Member
LeJog 2022 Finisher
Friday July 10, 2009
I usually buy dark blue jeans but they look a bit crap after a they fade too much. Looking at available dye colours nothing really matched that dark blue/black that I was looking for. Then I discovered a mixing chart on the Rit dye website.
I used the powder version, 2 boxes of denim blue and one black
I mixed the 2 blue and about half the black in 10 litres of hot water, added a couple of tablespoons of salt and a squirt of washing up liquid.
I put the jeans in the bucket and agitated for a few minutes then left them for 15 minutes. Agitated again and left them for 15. I repeated this a few times to get an even colour. Afterwards I rinsed in the sink until the water was clear then machine washed as normal.
Here is the before and after. (excuse the crap phone pics)


The Rit dye only works on natural fibres so the stitching etc stays the same.
I did a second pair in the same bucket and they turned out good but the colour wasn't so deep and the fading didn't completely disappear so I will probably do them again with a fresh batch of mixture.
Now there's a bloody good idea! Although, mine are Sainsbury's Tu and the dye would cost more than the jeans....

I do a have a few pairs of 501s that would benefit from this and there's a big ole catering sink in the garage.
I seem to remember that when I used to wear jeans (and it's been a while), we were all at great pains to ensure that they were as faded as possible. I remember washing mine with a cement solution - they were quite faded after that!! :unsure:
I usually buy dark blue jeans but they look a bit crap after a they fade too much. Looking at available dye colours nothing really matched that dark blue/black that I was looking for. Then I discovered a mixing chart on the Rit dye website.
I used the powder version, 2 boxes of denim blue and one black
I mixed the 2 blue and about half the black in 10 litres of hot water, added a couple of tablespoons of salt and a squirt of washing up liquid.
I put the jeans in the bucket and agitated for a few minutes then left them for 15 minutes. Agitated again and left them for 15. I repeated this a few times to get an even colour. Afterwards I rinsed in the sink until the water was clear then machine washed as normal.
Here is the before and after. (excuse the crap phone pics)


The Rit dye only works on natural fibres so the stitching etc stays the same.
I did a second pair in the same bucket and they turned out good but the colour wasn't so deep and the fading didn't completely disappear so I will probably do them again with a fresh batch of mixture.

I have to admit they have rescued the colour quite nicely there. However I do like the instructions which come with HIUT jeans. 'Don't wash for at least 6 months'. So far I am on month 7 and resisted. Be interesting to see how they come out the other end when they do get washed.
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