Cold water shaving?


LeJog 2022 Finisher
I have only just gone over to cold water shaving after feeling what I think are quite a few benefits. Less weepers, less nicks, a smoother shave and less irritation. I know there is quite a few cold water people out there and love to hear what your thoughts are and why you changed.....or didn't. Oh, and is colder the better?
I've been cold water shaving since about 2 weeks after I started shaving with a DE. I feel like there's a bit less irritation, but the main reason was burning less gas! :)
I have always suffered with sensitive skin but after switching to cold water shaving I find I no longer have any problems and the result is no different. The same quality shave but with no irritation.
Been cold water shaving and advocating it since 2011. There's simply no comparison, and it's significantly more beneficial for your skin in the long term.
I actually don't use any warm water on my face at all since then.
Whether cold water shaving is better or worse for you is something which might be down to the individual as we all have different types of skin.

I myself have near enough only used cold water for shaving almost from the very outset, as I simply prefer the sensation of cold water on my skin. For morning shaves, I find the cold water wakes me up!

I'd recommend trying it to those who haven't already tried so to see if it works for you.
I started cold water shaving just about the end of the winter and there will be no turning back. I have less irritation and believe the post shave feel to be much better.
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