Boots 3-for-2 on "mens products"

Friday September 25, 2009
Chance to stock up on their great shaving stick and soap. A bargain becomes even more of a bargain now... I've stocked up so if there's nothing left, blame me!
Whilst wandering through Boots, toying with the 3-2 deal I happened upon an aftershave balm for 99p for 100cc.

Boots, own brand, "Essentials" ASB.

Quick face wash and I slapped some on and its really rather good. Smells ok too. It may be greasy if you use too much but aren't they all?

For 99p its worth a punt and a weekday use for a week or two, till I get bored then it goes into rotation mode...
antdad said:
Yep...I've stocked up on the where's my surfboard? (For "older" members that one ;) )

You'll be needing Carmina Burana on your iPod, as well. :cool:

Ian - now classed as an "older" member.
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