'Bitza' razors (what do I have here?).

Monday November 7, 2016
Richmond, New Zealand
I have over the years found a few razors that are Bitzas (bits of this, and bits of that).
The 7-O-Clock baseplate is really just a UK Gillette NEW LC?
The other baseplate is the usual UK Gillette NEW LC?

Then we have the UK RFB (which is a UK Gillette NEW LC variant?).
Also shown as the second from right in 2nd photo.

What cap do I need for these please?
Tried a normal Tech cap on the RFB but it didn't shave nicely.
Would be nice to have proper caps to suit them all.
But...if you see something you want I'm equally happy to sell the bits.

The RFB arrived with this cap (modified by some Erk).
You can see why I haven't bothered to use it.
Thanks guys.

That is the cap and the handle for the RFB ... it's been ground down a little to fit the two "New" baseplates (the 7 O'Clock and the Gillette). The other larger balled ball-end handle is right for either of those baseplates.

The smaller balled ball-end handle is for a post-War Tech.
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