A cool and innovative new cartridge system..

Sunday July 3, 2016
North London
So about a week ago while at my desk I get a notification from HotUKdeals for £1 off "A unique and flexible 3 blade razor." So off I tumble down another rabbit hold to see what I thought was going to be another bog standard chinese knock off rubbish mail order razor set up.

Ok so I was more than a little interested by what I saw. https://www.boldking.ccom




So the premise is a unique flexible blade cartridge that flexs after each blade and has your standard pivot head. The flex as well as the pivot are supposed to contour your face and aide in shave yarder yarder yarder have a look for ya selves lol.

Ok then alarm bells went off after seeing some of the images i've posted here and after some googling it came to me.
So for a while when dabbling in only cartridge systems I started looking at what there was in the world of cartridges in Japan and the US etc. And one of the razor systems that had taken my fancy but i'd not got round to trying was the defender razor from the US. Its main selling point was when 2 cartridges were clipped to a unquie finger grip handle it was perfect for head shaving at a 180degre coverage. But they also role a standard shaving handel as well take a look. https://defenderrazor.com




Bingo I do believed they were either the same razor relicenced rebranded for the UK market or Boldking have found a chinese factory to copy the design for them. A lil digging more has shown up that Boldking have purchased distribution rights of the blades, they have done this with other cartridge systems before and this is there next venture. And as suspected its a subscription programme but what is brilliant is that you can cancel before you even start lol meaning your making one time buys. My main question was how good if anything would this system or the blades be.
So taking use advice of a wise wet shaver I bitt the bullet and ordered the starter kit to take one for the team. I did use tho the discount code And here's the discount code for £1 MTEXNTI0NW but is only a discount for buying the started kit.

So total of £11 i'm getting 4 blades, the handle, aftershave cream and a suction holder for the handle delivered for free. I could have gone with just £6 for just the handle and one blade but thought hey what the hell if its really not for me can always do a PIF.

I think its going to be worth a try and I am excited lol

Have a look see guys i've also been told mantic59 aka sharpoligist is due to do a review on the US version of the defender razor.
This contraption seems to encourage the use of pressure (as with any cart). My face will break out just by looking at this.
One blade, one hand muscle (ok boys calm down) and a bit of brain that's all a man need.
Lol a lot of pressure will only be needed if the flex and the pivot are needed for the blades to cut rather than coming in handy when you have a non flat surface.
@Mr Bigmem - you sound excited with a new toy and hope the £11 is worth the investment. Normally products that sound "too good to be true" are often "not". Good luck !!
Thanks and I also hope its as half as good as they say lol, i've brought razors in the past from the vintage and new DE side of the shaving fence that were recommended as being a good lil shaver that turned out not to be any good for me, the excitement I have is centered around the fact I have wanted to try the defender razor for some time prior and it just wasn't worth the cost of shipping + import tax if it did turn out to be rubbish. But at £11 for the european marketed version well its worth a punt. There are always razors throughout the wet shaving world from DE to cartridge, from vintage to new, from mainstream to small company. That all make claims of one thing or another, or try to be the sexiest looking or that they're made from the lightest materials or shave you the closest or most aggressively and so on and so on. What some of us covert or get excited about wantting to try isn't always the best, or what turns out to be snake oil and many even then still continue to profess the razor they've brought is the best thing since sliced bread even tho their face is looking a sorry state from the repeated attempts for a bbs shave, blaming their technique but still not giving up hope. We all one way or another look for the one thing that can hit the points that we want as an individual, thats why you'll see YMMV in so many posts. The fact its known that our lovely world of shaving is so subjective. But then again most of us get that, and i'm talking to those reading who are shutting out the fact another person may genuinely find a razor that works for them that isn't everyones cuts of tea or isn't wet shaving worlds popular kid lol. And @Fergiebilly Don't lol just don't I say lol, i've seen some of your coverts :rolleyes:
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