SOTD : Saturday 16th January to Friday 22nd January 2021.

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Today -

prep - facial scrub
razor - ATT Calypso - R plate
blade - Med Prep (2)
brush - Vie-Long anniversary two-band (the most beautiful knot I own - it's a work of art)
soap - PAA - CaD - vegan
post - witch hazel
a/s - 4711 (I'm aff the gear - honestly)
balm - Gomez Barberia
scent - Gotas Frescas cologne.

All good - barbershop is one of my favourite scent classes - but such a difficult thing to define? For me - a light, bright cologne sort of thing - an antidote - to the fact, that in Scotland it is completely dark between - oh - November and March. The scent is so hard to define - you get myriad variations - I get shaved in Istanbul whenever I go there - there, it smells of lemon - Arko and then lemon cologne - I quite liked the fact you are served a tiny cup of coffee while you are waiting. I have the Stirling Barbershop - but it smells entirely different to me - nice soap base granted. The CaD - is my current favourite - dovetails a treat with the 4711 - Gotas Frescas to finish - Spanish - the name means - fresh drops - very good - if you can find it.

Yours all - have entirely great shaves - one and all - I.

p.s - thank you - all who responded to my last post - be that - in public or by private message. I appreciate it - social media doesn't need to be a nasty thing - we have a nice civilised corner of the t'interweb?

@Blademonkey - picture for you.
But did you try the Italian Barbershop yet ? :)
I will be trying the same razor tomorrow after work for the very first time ever using anything like this. It's all thanks to a very generous @pjgh . I don't want to shave before work with it as I doubt I will have enough shirts to mop up the blood lmao.
Love your photo and spooky you showing it the very day I received it in the post.
Honestly it's a brilliant razor to use. Hold the flat top flap nearly flat to your face and let it do its thing.
The audio feedback is phenomenal, a very close finish even after one pass and I find my stubble takes longer than a day to grow back. The blades last ages too, 10 shaves minimum.
Enjoy it.
Yet another stunning photo!
There are some beautiful photo's on this thread. Hats off to you all.

I did try to bring the old SOTD calender back to life some years back but rather surprised by the lack of interest at the time.

It is something I may revisit when I semi-retire/retire later in the year and I have more time to give it a better push and attention.

But yeh, you are correct there some amazing photos which put the 'sexy' in to shaving.
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