
It appears Cornerstone has changed supplier from Feintechnik to Edgewell Personna. I may get another razor. I am disappointed in their original handle. It could have been so much better. I have just ordered the new Dorco Classic, so I will do a comparison. I am not expecting a Bolin Webb, but something better than mass production. The carts for the new Cornerstone razor are GT5's which are a lot cheaper at Tesco. However, Tesco's Hydro3 cart/Matrix handle Mach3 compatible combo is also an attractive alternative.
We're here to save you time, money and give a superb shave. Sure, if you look around and buy the promos at Asda you may find something cheaper but it's a ballache to do it, you'll probably forget, then get ID on the check out when you do remember. Still not save much money and have to do it all over again next time...When you could be off choosing your lady of the night.
We're here to save you time, money and give a superb shave. Sure, if you look around and buy the promos at Asda you may find something cheaper but it's a ballache to do it, you'll probably forget, then get ID on the check out when you do remember. Still not save much money and have to do it all over again next time...When you could be off choosing your lady of the night.
Pop into Asda for milk, pick up a couple of private label carts or better yet send the girlfriend. Job done. Only downside in sending the girlfriend is that fridge becomes full of smoked salmon every time she goes grocery shopping...
Yeah...and that stuff aint cheap! We always use to forget to pick up our blades, now we're surrounded by them. But I do personally begrudge having to go and get those one off bits every now and again. Still, each to their own!
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