Clock pendulums?


LeJog 2022 Finisher
I am looking for a clock pendulum for a modern case clock. My wife bought it exceptionally cheap but the big but was there was no pendulum.

I have drawn blanks searching for one as it needs to be100cm long. I know this as I measured the identical in a local cafe.

Any ideas any guidance most appreciated
That is a damn good solution. I actually never thought of making one. I can work in metal and being on a ship at work I have all the tools I could need. Just need to find a length of brass rod and an actual weight is easily come by on EBay

A one second pendulum has a length of 994mm, and the period is only slightly effected by the weight distribution along the pendulum. An end weight from an old clock, a length of brass rod and a competent metalworker and you can have one made. Anyone local to you that could help?

I was going to suggest making one the last time I seen this thread, but I got sidetracked by an internet full of mechanical clocks of various prices and looks. :cry:.
I have three mechanical clocks as it is. Not like I need any more. I like the Vienna regulator clocks
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