Hair Loss

I am balding and obviously suffer from hair loss, apart from an attempt to use Rogaine in 2008 I haven't really attempted to try and resolve it. My partner frequently suggests having a hair transplant, which I have no intention of doing. However, I have or will try the following:

Peppermint and Rosemary EO in Carnelia oil.
Pumpkin seed capsules
Nizoral shampoo
Copper Peptides serum
Evening Primrose oil

Has anyone tried anything else? Maybe Scottish tap water?
On A serious note my best mate was starting to go bald and it effected him big time.
He went in to a deep depression & took many months to come to terms with it.
Can the process be slowed down ?
i’m unsure but there has to be some science in the products you use.
Hopefully it works for you
I am balding and obviously suffer from hair loss, apart from an attempt to use Rogaine in 2008 I haven't really attempted to try and resolve it. My partner frequently suggests having a hair transplant, which I have no intention of doing. However, I have or will try the following:

Peppermint and Rosemary EO in Carnelia oil.
Pumpkin seed capsules
Nizoral shampoo
Copper Peptides serum
Evening Primrose oil

Has anyone tried anything else? Maybe Scottish tap water?
Azelaic acid may also prevent hair loss...
I just get my hair cut short :) not worth worrying about x
That’s the way I’ve dealt with it. Just let nature take its course. Several years ago I had chemotherapy which result in the loss of all the hair on my head. For me it was no big deal as beating cancer was far more important. Prior to my first treatment I had all the hair buzzed off my head as I didn’t fancy having to deal with the shedding caused by the chemo. I did let my hair grow back after chemo, but it started naturally thinning regardless. As I quite liked having my hair buzzed, I soon got around to having a #2 buzz as my normal hair cut. I like the look of it and I don’t have to spend time in the morning fiddling and futzing around with thinning hair or worrying about it.
I started losing my hair and thinning out at around 23. Now 61 and it is exactly the same. I often wished it would either grow, or totally fall out. Alas, it did neither, and so for the past 38 years I've just got on and lived with it. Doesn't bother me one bit.

I now have a No.1 in the back and sides and whatever suits on the top.

As my friend said, I have a very fashionable centre part which just happens to be 4 inches across.
That’s the way I’ve dealt with it. Just let nature take its course. Several years ago I had chemotherapy which result in the loss of all the hair on my head. For me it was no big deal as beating cancer was far more important. Prior to my first treatment I had all the hair buzzed off my head as I didn’t fancy having to deal with the shedding caused by the chemo. I did let my hair grow back after chemo, but it started naturally thinning regardless. As I quite liked having my hair buzzed, I soon got around to having a #2 buzz as my normal hair cut. I like the look of it and I don’t have to spend time in the morning fiddling and futzing around with thinning hair or worrying about it.

Glad to hear the cancer treatment went well. There are far more important things in life other than worrying about losing your hair.
Somehow my dad has more hair than me. Admittedly his is somewhat greyer aged 80, whereas I get told I look 40 except from above! Like Chris, I've just thought if it gets much thinner I'll just shave it but SWMBO's not in favour. I haven't looked into ways to help it regrow, I suspect a lot of them may be snake oil.
Every one who is balding can relate to this posting...Each week i "no guard" buzz-cut my barnet "all year round" with my hair clippers" and once a month i do a full head shave I like the "follically challenged look", it also saves me a fortune on hair products..

It was my Turkish barber who encouraged me to buy a pair of hair clippers, and buzz-cut myself...I started on a no.1 for while then by mistake i forgot to put the guard on and used "no guard" which to be honest was near the same. I've been doing this for 3 years now.

Like every man i did try to fight my hair loss for years, but once it starts to go '"let it go mate"..My friend grew a ponytail to hide his baldness, which looked even worse, I told him "When you lift a ponytail up, what do you see?.."..You see an arsehole!....On a serious note, It's stupidly pointless IMHO been a 'Walter Wiggy', a 'Bobby Comb-over', or a Toupee Tommy, grab that Male-Pattern Baldness hairline by the balls and buzz it away,'ll feel much better for it, once you've had the courage to do so....Your hair is just a very small insignificant percentage of you.

Yours-Barry. (y)
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I am balding and obviously suffer from hair loss, apart from an attempt to use Rogaine in 2008 I haven't really attempted to try and resolve it. My partner frequently suggests having a hair transplant, which I have no intention of doing. However, I have or will try the following:

Peppermint and Rosemary EO in Carnelia oil.
Pumpkin seed capsules
Nizoral shampoo
Copper Peptides serum
Evening Primrose oil

Has anyone tried anything else? Maybe Scottish tap water?
well you mentioned regaine aka minoxidil,
dont know if you know but minxoidil has a really big following at the moment

theres a big facebook group called theminoxgroup or somehting like that,
loads of young guys who cant grow beards are using minoxidil in both liquid or foam

thing that i gather is that you need to be patient and it takes a lot of time,
the other things i seen those members use successfully was a micro derma roller,
it was a specific one think 540 needle at a certain length dont remember

also two oils they used with success, black seed oil and jamaican black castor oil

also with black seed oil it can be consumed and applied externally, obviously always double check with the brand you buy of course

then theres supplements, biotin is one of the best for hair growth

heres a good example of minoxidil successfully working on the face

theres actually this woman whos got a fairly big following on youtube,
she uses indian herbs like ayurveda and shes getting seriously hair growth with these powders like henna, etc

heres a channels, hope it helps

Every one who is balding can relate to this posting...Each week i "no guard" buzz-cut my barnet "all year round" with my hair clippers" and once a month i do a full head shave I like the "follically challenged look", it also saves me a fortune on hair products..

It was my Turkish barber who encouraged me to buy a pair of hair clippers, and buzz-cut myself...I started on a no.1 for while then by mistake i forgot to put the guard on and used "no guard" which to be honest was near the same. I've been doing this for 3 years now.

Like every man i did try to fight my hair loss for years, but once it starts to go '"let it go mate"..My friend grew a ponytail to hide his baldness, which looked even worse, I told him "When you lift a ponytail up, what do you see?.."..You see an arsehole!....On a serious note, It's stupidly pointless IMHO been a 'Walter Wiggy', a 'Bobby Comb-over', or a Toupee Tommy, grab that Male-Pattern Baldness hairline by the balls and buzz it away,'ll feel much better for it, once you've had the courage to do so....Your hair is just a very small insignificant percentage of you.

Yours-Barry. (y)

I'm the same started thinning at about 20 yo, spent a few year trying to hide it.
Then just thought fuck it, bought clippers and have had a number one since about 25yo.
well you mentioned regaine aka minoxidil,
dont know if you know but minxoidil has a really big following at the moment

theres a big facebook group called theminoxgroup or somehting like that,
loads of young guys who cant grow beards are using minoxidil in both liquid or foam

thing that i gather is that you need to be patient and it takes a lot of time,
the other things i seen those members use successfully was a micro derma roller,
it was a specific one think 540 needle at a certain length dont remember

also two oils they used with success, black seed oil and jamaican black castor oil

also with black seed oil it can be consumed and applied externally, obviously always double check with the brand you buy of course

then theres supplements, biotin is one of the best for hair growth

heres a good example of minoxidil successfully working on the face

theres actually this woman whos got a fairly big following on youtube,
she uses indian herbs like ayurveda and shes getting seriously hair growth with these powders like henna, etc

heres a channels, hope it helps

Most hair recovery potions are designed to extract cash from your bank account.
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