July 2017 Acquisitions

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
Hi folks! I'll kick off a new month ...

Not necessarily a new acquisition, but one I completed yesterday.

It's an Ever Ready 600 Nylon Lucite, which came with one of those nasty nylon knots at around 19mm. I pulled it, bored it, repainted the 'ole with nail varnish and dropped in a miles bigger 24mm knot. It's synthetic and I don't actually know where I got it from, but it's scritchier than all my other synthetics. Gawd! I hope it's not a badger ... no, it's synthetic. Kinda like a scratchy badger, tho'

I like the idea of popping modern synthetics into these first generation nylon (synthetic) brushes.

Outstanding catch @preidy ... you know what? I was just thinking of pressing my Trac II (same set, sans period wrap) into action. Blades always pose a question, but I have a favouring for the rather expensive Feather FII blades. Like filling up on super-octane, you do get more mileage which sorta offsets the higher price.

Good catch, Sir! Enjoy!
I wanted to like that, then my anti-cartridge snobbery kicked in.

Bah! I remember ...

I tried to counter it with some heavy recommendations for the Gillette Guard - a simple, single blade cart. It shaves. Not too close, not too shabby. Never nicks. What more could you want?

I know these Trac IIs really come down to the blades when it comes to performance, but as a concept, I think it worked. It worked well. We can see how the injector inspired ... eventually twinjector and then the obvious fitting of the blades into a plastic housing. Voila! The cartridge. It's the ever increasing number of blades that irks me - two is fine, two works, two means you shave and pick up the stragglers in one pass.

What is worth doing is going through the process of learning to shave in the traditional sense: soap, brush, three piece DE, single edge or straight. Good technique. Bring that back to shaving with a cartridge and you suddenly find they're a real pleasure. Now there's vintage cartridges, the whole thing becomes more fun.

I've had some lovely Trac II handles. One or two I rather regret passing on. One I particularly like is a bakelite Gillette handle from a '50s Tech on some generic head.
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