Wolfman razors update

For those not getting James' newsletter but might be interested in what is going on:

March 23, 2016

Hello, and thank you for subscribing to the Wolfman Razors newsletter. This will be a brief update on new items, current production and future ordering.

First and foremost, your patience is appreciated. The wait times are longer than expected and recently it's become more important to consider hiring some help. The plan for the machine shop was to work alone on technical things, and hire help on occasion for moving equipment around, cleaning etc. But due to the interest and opinions of many customers, I am probably going to hire someone to help make razors. I have someone in mind, but it's too soon to confirm anything yet.

New Handle - "Common Bar"

With orders from last year still being fulfilled, time for new projects is limited. However, some promises were made, and as these customers are contacted, the items that were promised are being made. As a result, there will be a new handle option, based on a classic from decades ago.





This is a two-piece handle, and there will be a few ways to configure these. For now, these are connected by using a 'press fit' (aka interference fit) and it's meant to be a permanent connection. Having the two piece design allows the handle to be hollowed out (or not, if requested) which can reduce the weight significantly.

In addition to stainless steel, aluminum, brass, bronze, and titanium, this handle will have copper as an option. For the most part, combining metals will not be a problem if the handle is kept clean and dry between uses. Combining material choices with the finishing options, this handle has quite a few possibilities.

Leather Cases

Locally made in Edmonton, Alberta by a pair of artisans, these are hand stitched, laser engraved and made to fit a fully assembled Wolfman razor. The case provides a snug fit and will protect the razor very well. The top folds over and snaps into place. There is leather added to the inside, covering the inside of the snap itself. Brown and black cases will be regularly available, and an assortment of varieties will be made randomly depending on available materials. If you plan to take your Wolfman razor on the road, this may be the best way to prepare for travel.

New Designs

Some new razor head designs have been prepared. The current production is continuing for now, and once the list of orders that are still outstanding have been completed, some prototyping will take place. The call for a new single edge razor will be answered, among other requests from the past year.

Current Production

Plenty of prep work has been done recently, and there are more razors ready for finishing than ever before. For anyone waiting to be contacted since June 2015, it will be very soon.

Placing Orders

Ordering will involve using a wait list system again, but in smaller groups. The purpose will be to frequently open up a new list, complete the orders in a few weeks, then either take a break to develop something new or directly open a new list. In theory, this should allow new items to be added on a regular basis. It will also prevent long term waiting periods. More details coming soon.
I have just copied this email to post too, you beat me to it!

My three quick take-aways from his post were;

a) Concerned about James potentially not being the only guy making the razors going forward.
Part of what I feel I pay for with Wolfman is knowing that that awesome, talented, detail oriented man is making it.

b) Love the retro handle look!

c) I think it's a very good idea to implement a periodic wait list a la Wolf Whiskers as opposed to now where you have people that have been on his waiting list for close to a year :)
I agree with Holyzeus, I can't see a man with James' attention to detail letting some spotty YTS kid loose on his razors, it'll be someone who's been carefully chosen and is up to the job.

While I do like the idea of one man making the razors, if taking on additional staff speeds up production and reduces waiting time that has to be a good thing.

I do like the look of the common bar handle, I bet our own @RedHorseman could make one of those in solid stainless...
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