Wolfman ATT or Blackbird?

For those who has all three brands of razors, do you feel that all three are equal in terms of league or caliber , just different in terms of feel, aggressiveness and efficiency ??
I think you are correct here. They are all in the same league, that being stainless steel, modern and at a higher cost than others. They are definitely not equal in face feel or aggressiveness. This is why it is best to have all three and then decide on your favourite. All three are efficient. I find even the M plates on the ATT to be efficient.

I have tried the more aggressive blade gap on the Wolfman, but do not own a Wolfman. I do own the ATT (M, R2, H, S2) as well as a first version Blackbird.

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I think you are correct here. They are all in the same league, that being stainless steel, modern and at a higher cost than others. They are definitely not equal in face feel or aggressiveness. This is why it is best to have all three and then decide on your favourite. All three are efficient. I find even the M plates on the ATT to be efficient.

I have tried the more aggressive blade gap on the Wolfman, but do not own a Wolfman. I do own the ATT (M, R2, H, S2) as well as a first version Blackbird.

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Hi Nishy


How would you compare tje Blackbird vs the ATT S2, M ?

Is your M plate the 1 or the 2 ?

Ideally would love to have the S1, S2, M2 and maybe R1...

Awaiting for your experiences.

Hi Capri, no problem my friend.

The Blackbird is unique IMO. If you go with the weight if the razor you will get plenty of blade feel and a very close shave, one of the closest I have come across, so very efficient. If you use negative pressure, or lift the handle so to provide less weight through gravity, you feel much less of the blade but still get an incredibly close shave. The space of the chambers to collect the lather is superb, washes out easily and collects beyond that of the ATT. I don't have enough experience with to Wolfman to correlate between the two.

With regards to the ATT, I find the R2 to be closest to the Blackbird, in that it requires a more advanced technique than just angle alteration and force, this may be OTT but you really need to feel the razor on the face and adjust accordingly. The R2 again IMO is best suited to the Atlas handle, whereas the M plates are best paired with the Kronos (I have an M1 plate). I use an atlas with the S2 and the bulldog handle is paired with my Ikon OSS.

If I were to re-buy the ATT range (with regards to DE), I would go for the Atlas handle with an R2 and S2 plate. The S2 just for the novelty factor of having a slant, I don't particularly like how my stubble grows back (sharper at an angle) after using the slants. The S2 is quite mild IMO. R2 once dialed in (same case with the Blackbird) is a superb razor.

Using the ATT, Wolfman (more aggressive version) and the Blackbird, you have no blade chatter, stubble is 'mowed' down with good auido feedback and zero irritation.

As a very rough guide IMO, with regards to aggression (I have tried all the plates and own a few currently):

M1- Progress set on 3.5 or a slightly more aggressive EJ89
M2- Merkur 37c super efficient
R1- Normal Wolfman head
R2- More aggressive Wolfman head or Blackbird
H1- Progress on 5 with regards to blade feel
H2- Progress on 5 or Merkur 37C with more apparent blade feel.

Also if you get a chance spend £20 on a Fatip Grande, make sure you align the blade perfectly and the resulting shave when completed correctly, IMO is akin to the R2 plate with slightly less blade feel or aggression.
Hi Nishy

Thanks so much for the detailed info....

So the weight of the handle has also some effect on the aggressiveness of the razor ?? if this an accurate statement ?

Any chance you have tried Muhle R89 or the Merkur 34C and how these two razors would rank against the Att and blackbird ?

Thanks again

The difference is in the quality of the razor. More specifically the finish, tolerances and lack of blade chatter. In this notion it's in a different league. When it comes to differences in stainless the three you mention will all exhibit different shaves and are an excellent combination (Wolfman being the more aggressive blade gap option). I wouldn't say it's a different league you can get excellent shaves from razors that are not stainless, but I do prefer the stainless variety.

Handles are a whole different kettle of fish. Heavier usually leads to more aggression due to the weight increase IMO.

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I have never tried the Blackbird, but almost the complete ATT range (except H1,H2, S2) and both the Wolfman and the BBS-1 (as well has 4 versions on the RR Stealth Slant, EJ DE89, Progress,...)

First things first to get it out of the way: the craftsmanship and finish of the Wolfman/BBS-1 is second to none (also from the pictures of the Blackbird I have seen) - and with that I mean they are a league on their own.

Having said that, the ATT are fantastically made and the choice of baseplates and the 30 day money back guarantee make them for me the ideal razor, for somebody, who wants it straight away.

I don't like overly aggressive razors, but a nice heft. I guess I have large hands and not the softest touch, yet a very wiry and dense beard coupled with the delicate skin of a rose :D:D:D

I have to do 4 passes anyway, due to the growth patterns and density of my beard, so I prefer mild-medium razors. I actually quiet enjoyed the shaves I got from the EJ DE89 - except of course from the blade chatter and fit and finish. So with that in mind, this is currently in my den (from least to most aggressive):

RR Stealth Slant V1 (my travel razor)
ATT S1 Colossus
Wolfman SB (standard)
ATT R1 Kronos
Weber PH

Having said that - it is very very hard for me to pick up any other razors, other than my Wolfman or BBS-1. If I want a super close shave, I go for the R1. If I want to do a fully automatic shave, I go for the S1 or RRSS.

The ATT R2 plate is too aggressive for me, the M1 too mild and the M2 is nice, but an OC - and I don't like the feel of them.
Thanks Alfredus, more or less sums things up....
If the razor is aggressor, can you put a lesser aggressive blade to smoothen things up ?
HMMM, well as I said, I prefer milder razors...

OK, so I have heard from many, that the Feather ASD2 is the perfect match for a Feather blade and gives you perfect and close shaves.

But the R41 will never be tame. I had one for a while on loan and it took me a while (5 shaves) to get a blood free result and the shave was still not comfortable.

In the past I was also more looking towards aggressive razors, but I came to realise, that the most important part of the actual shave for me is smoothness.

All the razors mentioned above will give you a smooth shave, all of them will give you a close shave (if you pair them with the right blade) - maybe the result won't last as long as with the R41, but (for me anyway) the shave is much more enjoyable.
The R2 Atlas with a Voskhod blade is the only razor I go with these days(I own around 20 DE razors). It's the perfect shaver for me. I love the weight and closeness on the first pass. I've owned the S2 but sold it. For me it didn't perform as good as the R2.
The R2 Atlas with a Voskhod blade is the only razor I go with these days(I own around 20 DE razors). It's the perfect shaver for me. I love the weight and closeness on the first pass. I've owned the S2 but sold it. For me it didn't perform as good as the R2.
Try it with a Shark, absolute class.

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I've got an ATT R1 and the Kickstarter Blackbird, with a Wolfman currently in the works.

I'm back to using the Blackbird after a spell of SE use, and, with a Polsilver Super Iridium, it really is one heck of a good razor. Superb balance, finish, ideal weight and gap make it one of the smoothest yet most efficient and irritation-free razors I've got. As with most razors, careful prep., a good blade (whatever that may be!?) and a quality soap (today, Wickham's Club Cola) bring out the best in the instrument.

I thoroughly recommend it.
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