which is best to start off

Hi guys MERRY CHRISTMAS i would appriciate youradvice , i would love a straight razor but am undicided to go shavett first of straight razor first .
i have not used a straight befor i am currently using D/E saftey ( a couple of vintage gilletes and a blue beards revenge scimiter)

you advice as always would be most appriciated

I too was in your situation almost a year ago to the day. I'd been DE shaving for about 7 years before deciding to go with a straight. I bought a new Dovo En Vogue for a couple of reasons:

1) I bought from a known and reputable source so the blade would be shave ready. I posted at the time about my first few shaves and any irritation, tugging, pulling etc was purely down to my inexperience and not the blade.
2) It is a stainless blade which means less maintenance and holds its edge longer (well that's my experience compared to 2 vintage razors I've acquired since).

Basically, my thoughts were, if you want to shave with a straight, start with a straight.

Go for it, you won't look back.

Good luck.


Oh, get yourself a cheap practice strop too....you will put nicks in it!
Just buy a shave ready, round point 6/8 or 5/8 straight razor and go for it. Also as mentioned buy a cheap strop untill you get the hang of it. Nothing is easy when you first start so take your time and carefully, later on you will find that its a wonderful experience, keep reading and watching the posts and videos about straight razor shaving and maintenence. But make SURE your first razor is from a well known supplier, shave ready and round point and at least 5/8, Stay away from cheap new razors they are waste of money and time, Round point is a must. Later on if you buy a razor smaller then 5/8 and/or Square or French point don't use it untill you have some experience.
good luck
Depends if you want to learn stropping or not.

If you know you want to get a real straight, just get a real straight. A shavette isn't the same. But if you want to mess around with a "straight" without the work, well, I can't recommend against a shavette.
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