Where to Buy Second Hand Straights?

Hi All,

I've been using a shavette for a while now without being put off, as I thought I'd try that rather than spend more on a proper straight only to find I didn't get on with it.
It's now time to move on to the real thing I feel and after much deliberation reckon the way to go is to look for a decent, but not too expensive, second hand straight razor.
Could anybody suggest reliable sources for such a razor?

Many thanks,

RE: Where to Buy Second Hand Staights?

Keep an eye on BST get some bargains on there, also there was a pass around going but not too sure if its still going. Most of the razors I bought needed honing which was done by a member on this forum which will add to the razor cost.

I am just a beginner so hopefully some more experienced guys will be along soon.

TrevorB said:
Thanks guys. Any other suggestions for reputable sources of second hand straight razors anybody?
I've heard Whipped Dog in the U.S. mentioned a few times. Selling Sight unseen razors for $33 delivered, not counting customs.
Never shaved with a straight (yet ) so don't take my word for it. I'd be interested to hear how you go on.
I can probably sort a razor for you from my collection

really depends on what you want

remember it will need honing and stropping so there is extra cost there, certainly for a strop
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