Vintage blade auctions


Seems like recently there's a bunch more old DE blades being offered for sale on ebay. Looks like 4-5 different Wilkinsons (two that I really like), the usual Personna74s (crazy prices as you'd expect), some old Schick Plus Platinums....the late 1960s-early 1970s ones before the blue dispensers, and some interesting sounding UK made Gillettes that I've never tried.

I'm watching a few sales but most likely won't win any, mainly because the blades will probably sell for around $1 each (when you figure in the shipping). Yeah, that looks to be about the going rate, although deals can still be had if you're patient.

No sense in mentioning which ones work best for me, since they may not perform the same for everyone (and probably won't). There's a couple autions though that consist of some of my very favorites and it's gonna be tough laying off bidding on those. If I didn't have a few already put away in the arsenal, I'd probably bite the bullet and grab some. Heh, of course you can't have too many favorite blades I guess.

Canuck's top trading tip for those looking to get into the wacky world of vintage blade stock trading:
Buy up those shiny new blades that you like now, crazy kids. Otherwise you'll be scrabbling around the interweb of the future looking for rusty old bits of iron at a dollar each, just like that dodgy guy from that there America!


Of course, if you buy enough, you might be the guy selling the old bits of iron!

(Just a light hearted post Martin, I know you like a bit of fun)
Canuck said:
Canuck's top trading tip for those looking to get into the wacky world of vintage blade stock trading:
Buy up those shiny new vintage blades as fast as you can. I use em myself and would blow my nose in the general direction of someone who's too afraid to try something old. Get em while you can, boys.

Hah, you know what's funny is I almost put something in my post about you being excluded and shouldn't bother reading the thing. Oh, did you notice I fixed your post? Yeah, no need to thank me buddy...I knew what you meant to say.

I enjoyed your response in the thread. Who says Canucks ain't gotta sense of humor.

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