TOBS's vs Trumper's shaving cream

Sunday November 4, 2012
Southern Ontario, Canada
For years I've been an avid user of TOBS's shaving creams after having tried a multitude of creams from really cheap ones to over-the-top expensive. In June, however, I picked up a tube of Trumper's Rose shaving cream, but I only started using it two weeks ago. It's been years since I used any Trumper's shaving cream, so I decided to use it every day for the last two weeks with a different brush each shave. To my amazement, and consternation, I find myself liking it better than my TOBS's creams. I find it produces a richer and more cushioning lather than any of my TOBS's creams and with less cream. Is this just my imagination or is it true for all Trumper's creams? I have heard that Trumper used to have its creams made by Creightons, but they have brought it in-house; could Trumper have reformulated its creams? I have always regarded TOBS's as the best value of the high-end creams in terms of quality, performance and price; however, based on my re-acquaintance with Trumper's cream I'm re-thinking this. Trumper creams are more expensive than TOBS creams, but given that I can make better lather with a smaller amount of cream it would seem that TOBS has lost any price advantage. TOBS still makes excellent creams, but I'm beginning to think that Trumper trumps them.
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Interesting point. Back in the day I had Trumper's violet, rose and lavender. I would tend to agree that there may be a small edge of Trumpers over ToBS in performance, although as you quite rightly mention the price per shave may also be a factor. Just to push the argument further, in my opinion, both fall against T&H for quality.

YMMV of course;)
I heard it was the other way around, that Trumper's used to manufacture the shave cream in house, but moved production over to Creighton's. I consider the Trumper's shave creams to be right on par with The Body Shop's Maca Root shave cream (also made by Creighton's), but with better scents.
I heard it was the other way around, that Trumper's used to manufacture the shave cream in house, but moved production over to Creighton's. I consider the Trumper's shave creams to be right on par with The Body Shop's Maca Root shave cream (also made by Creighton's), but with better scents.
If you visit the Creighton's website you'll see that they no longer mention GFT, TOBS or Body Shop. They do mention T&H. Also, The Real Shaving Co. has gone to Swallowfields. A member of ATG said that he had spoken to Trumpers about their cream and they confirmed they had brought it in-house, but they still outsource their shaving soap.
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I don't know.... still waiting for trumpers samples in the post...

but with my first shaving attempts with tobs almond ive been getting closer to the right water/cream ratios and ive actually had to increase the gap on my fat boy to fight clogging. and because it cushions so well.
T&H, my cream of the moment. If it came down to Trumper's vs TOB, quite simply the Trumper's would win the day for me. After being shown the way on how to mix lather with GFT, it was a case of 'WOW'! I just don't feel TOB gives the same feel. More 'wow....mmmm?'
trumpers cream is a lot more like a tallow soap then TOBS is. Better glide then tobs. but the funny thing is, the scents are the same strength.

Smell fine in the tub, but TOBS scent fades in the second pass/clean up. Trumpers scent fades out in the first pass.

I tried the sample of trumpers sandalwood tonight god damn its good. Good scent in the tub, a nice spice/leather scent. Not at all chemically or fake like womens perfumes. Real soft. At least to ME as I used it. SNiffing the brush post shave, its heady, but in a way scent wise, its a very muted version of Wickham Russian Leather.
For me, TOBS is hard to beat. Nice scent strength and great performance, at a bargain price.

Trumpers creams smell okay (some better than others), but they perform about the same so the price premium isn't worth it.
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