TOBS burn?

TOBS lemon & lime is the only one to give me any sort of burning sensation,albeit only a slight redness /tingling,doesn't stop me using it. The others I have-Almond,Grapefruit,Jermyn Street & Eton College are all fine.
Damn can't believe how many people don't like TOBS, the four or five I've tried have worked great for me. Please feel free to send me your horrible creams and I will happily dispose of this devils spawn for you ;)

Sandalwood, Eton College, Almond, St James and an unused as yet Jermyn St are the ones I own and mentioned.
Scowley said:
Damn can't believe how many people don't like TOBS, the four or five I've tried have worked great for me. Please feel free to send me your horrible creams and I will happily dispose of this devils spawn for you ;)

Sandalwood, Eton College, Almond, St James and an unused as yet Jermyn St are the ones I own and mentioned.

Im with you Scowley, its only a couple I've had issues with. Other issue is I find the creams lather very dense (compensates for slick imo) unlike D.R.Harris whose balance I prefer (apart from violets).
Odd, as they say your mileage may vary. I used TOBS Sandalwood cream this morning and was thinking to myself TOBS makes such excellent performing and scented products. I've been trying to find an artisan soap I like better, but the performance of TOBS is top notch!
LewisO said:
Odd, as they say your mileage may vary. I used TOBS Sandalwood cream this morning and was thinking to myself TOBS makes such excellent performing and scented products. I've been trying to find an artisan soap I like better, but the performance of TOBS is top notch!
Have you tried tiki? TOBS won't get a looking
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