Tinned soup

To say that I am surprised doesn't begin to express my shock and horror to find......not only this thread, but even more horrifying, that Antdad started it!!! A big pot of homemade soup can be frozen in those snap down plastic containers, and apart from Pigcat's penchant for breakfast soup (if not forseen sufficiently in advance....but even then, that's what microwaves are for), should be available for most contingensies.....e.g. lunch.
Antdad; you've let shaving down, you've let TSR down, and most of all, you've let yourself down.
There, I've said it. Beat me up, why don't ya (or yis).
Running emoticon..............................
soapalchemist said:
To say that I am surprised doesn't begin to express my shock and horror to find......not only this thread, but even more horrifying, that Antdad started it!!! A big pot of homemade soup can be frozen in those snap down plastic containers, and apart from Pigcat's penchant for breakfast soup (if not forseen sufficiently in advance....but even then, that's what microwaves are for), should be available for most contingensies.....e.g. lunch.
Antdad; you've let shaving down, you've let TSR down, and most of all, you've let yourself down.
There, I've said it. Beat me up, why don't ya (or yis).
Running emoticon..............................

When did I mention breakfast soup?!?! :mad:

Actually perhaps that's not such a bad idea. Porridge is a kind of soup...
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