Time To Wrap Up The "Nice To Meetcha" PIF

Hi Guys,

It's 7:52 here and 1:52 where you are. I'm going to draw for the razor, brush and blades Monday at 3PM my time (9PM your time). So anyone that's interested get your name in before 9PM (your time). I'll announce the winner and they should then PM me with full name and address so I can get the package posted ASAP. Thanx and Good Luck.
the time is there. It is Dutch sinterklaasavond, which is the precursor to the american santa claus. So is this a lucky night for me?

Even if I miss, a very generous pif of loverly stuff.
Thank you Huck, very generous and appreciated and good luck all (except Steve who makes me feel cad for entering this contest, damn you Steve! Lol)!
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