The Mall Ninja

Thursday October 4, 2012
Just been reading the picolax thread, once I finished laughing I remembered this thread- fortunately it's been archived as the original has disappeared. The 'Star' is a real Walt, it also helps if you have an understanding of firearms and associated items!

Lots of gems in there, but I loved this one:

"I'm the lieutenant of a 3 man Rapid Tactical Force Team, in one of the nation's largest indoor retail shopping centers."

I can't believe I risked the lives of myself and my partner in a recent trip to Macy's. I just didn't realise the danger I was in until now. Damn Australian militants!
LOL Mall ninja,who walks on walls....with a electric car,searches for CQC weapon, to drop a perp in a crowded shopping Mall, and not get seen, who's at risk from high power rifles, gaffer tapes armer plating to his body.

:icon_rolleyes: chill pill.
Wonder if they have a mall ninja in the metro center? Would explain the screaming. They said it was from the roller coaster but maybe it was some kind of interrogation.....
Dr Rick said:
Does rather demonstrate the lack of wisdom of giving these people easy access to killing machines, doesn't it.

Not if they've had access to the kind of training these guys have had. I for one would feel safer knowing heroes like these had got my back.
Tony.T said:
Just been reading the picolax thread, once I finished laughing I remembered this thread- fortunately it's been archived as the original has disappeared. The 'Star' is a real Walt, it also helps if you have an understanding of firearms and associated items!

Thanks for posting this, Tony! :icon_razz:
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