Stirling shaving soap - Bonaparte

Evening gents,

thought I'd do a little review before the rest of you get their mitts on the goodies from the group buy ;)
As it happened, I was among the first enthusiasts who started investigating Stirling Soaps website, and what I found was that Rod was looking for a name suggestion for one of his soaps. In exchange for a free cake. I simply could not resist! Scent was Bergamot and Jasmine, so first thing that sprang to mind was Eau de Cologne. I know this frag had a lot of following, but for some reason the first person I thought of was the Emperor himself. I took a shot with this suggestion, and Rod replied that it sounded very good, but that scent was not exactly Eau de Cologne and I wasn't getting the prize. But hey, he would instead create a new EdC scent, and call it just like I suggested - Bonaparte :icon_razz:
So here I am with a newly received soap freebie with a scent that I had a part in creating, although very, very obliquely. Hence, first thing I will mention will be the scent - it's simply great. Clean, strong Eau de Cologne that you smell throughout the shave, and even after (may not suit all). Latherability is good - perhaps takes a bit more effort than whipping up some Tabac, but not dramatically so. Lather itself is dense, creamy and stable, with enough cushion and glide for an easy shave.
As with the most artisan products, there's a downside in terms of protectiveness - it won't guard your muzzle against some bloodsucker like it's corporate cousins will (again, comparing to champions like Tabac/Speick). But aside from that, if you're careful you should be good. Skincare is quite decent too, will have to do more shaving to give a more definitive description here.

Overall, it's a great soap that punches way above its weight, putting to shame many and many off-the-shelf products.
I've been using Stirling for the past 8-9 weeks, mainly the Anise.

It is a tougher proposition to lather than something like Tabac, but taking your time with it you will get there. There are some videos out there specific to lathering Stirling soap which are quite good.

I do love how it leaves my skin feeling post shave... nothing compares to it in terms of it's moisturizing properties. I typically use a post shave balm, but with Stirling Anise there's no need whatsoever.
Well, I've yet to find a soap that lathers like Tabac, so that's a pretty tough benchmark there.
Haven't had any problems lathering Stirling, but again I'm a synthetic brush user ;)
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