Steak Night!!!!


Staff Member
LeJog 2022 Finisher
Friday July 10, 2009
Me and a pal usually try and meet up once a week for a steak, beer and a chinwag. Tonight I shall be feasting on a nice bit of Rib Eye in a local country pub, complete with log fires and a warm welcome. It has recently been taken over by new landlords so I am quite keen to test out the new chef. Since the temperature has dropped a bit I think I will give Nanny's Spicy One an outing with a bit of Lolita Lempicka EDT to follow. It's a nice way to break up the work week and a good excuse to try out the local pubs. Anyone else enjoy a midweek night out?
I used to until my daughter came along. Tuesday night was quiz night, a few beers in the next town over, a few illicit snouts, quiz 9 til 10, then a takeaway fried rice on the way home.

6pm bathtime, and 11pm and 2am feeds have put paid to that. I'm still allowed a mountain of beer and a takeway on a Friday night though, my reward for the working week.
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