Source of Turkish Lemon Cologne in Leith

Here's a supplier from my neck of the woods great value for anyone wanting to try this out, what I've found with these lemon colognes they are very refreshing after a shower or a bath as an all over spray.

tonyspurs said:
I absolutely love the stuff,I use for everything,after shave,insect repellent,in a small misting bottle to use as body spray when you feel hot and sweaty and costs peanuts!
I'm off to Turkey Wednesday AM and will be stocking up while im there,I buy the 2 litre plastic containers of Duru to use out there but bring back the glass bottles of TariÅŸ which has a much longer lasting fragrance IMO, fantastic stuff whichever you buy!

Dont spose ya wanna grab me a yeni raki an a glass or efe raki an a glass? I dont slash it behind ears more of poor it down my neck and fall over lol
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