Some of Britains Pubs

Thursday May 28, 2015
Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire
I've just been reading this article on the BBC news site, and it invoked memories of being in some of these old pubs.

Of the ones in the article, I've been in two (The DoE in Brixton and The Duke William in Stoke), both great pubs. I do miss the whole 'old school' pub where you could go and have a drink and chat with your friends without the diatribe of current music and vomiting binge drinkers.

A good little read.
Yeah old pubs were wonderful places full of hard honest working class Men where no Woman would dare enter I have fond memories indeed in my own town every pub had a serving hatch and a betting shop attached Men only allowed in the Bar come the weekend they kept their own opening hours brilliant times.
It's called 'The Legion'.
Ha! I'm not old enough for The Legion :D Back where I used to live in NW Kent there were many superb real ale pubs (mostly Shepherd Neame) that were old barn conversions, oast houses, old buildings in general, all superb establishments.

Here in Stoke, there's naff all, short of that one mentioned in the article.
I was in the Black Horse, Northfield, Birmingham just recently. The building is, indeed, fantastic but the food is, sadly, typical of a standard colourful menu of low priced low grade fare.
I was in the Black Horse, Northfield, Birmingham just recently. The building is, indeed, fantastic but the food is, sadly, typical of a standard colourful menu of low priced low grade fare.

Crikey, I haven't been in the Black Horse since about 1978; great pub tho. Around the same time I used to drink in the pubs around Vyse St. in the jewellery quarter. Many of them untouched since at least the '40s or even earlier. The Rose Villa Tavern used to be a great place - proper blokes bar but also a lounge for when you took your wench out.
Yeah old pubs were wonderful places full of hard honest working class Men where no Woman would dare enter I have fond memories indeed in my own town every pub had a serving hatch and a betting shop attached Men only allowed in the Bar come the weekend they kept their own opening hours brilliant times.
Aye! I remember that - with shock! Eiry had taken me into her home in the valleys to meet Mum and Dad, out for a walk Sunday morning and she would NOT go into the pub for a drink - OK in Cardiff but no way in her home village!!
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