Simpson Chubby 2 versus Duke 3 - Best Badger grade

Difficult as YMMV as with anything wet shaving related. I don't own a Duke 3 but I do own a Chubby 2 in best badger. People saying its a lather hog need to understand of course it's going to retain more lather in the knot, it's a far denser brush than most on the market.

I do find it has less flow through than some brushes but as Mark quite rightly commented once you master the brush it will perform superbly. It needs a good load of soap. If you have too much product or to little water (or both) in my experience the chubby will just hold the soap. Once you take time to learn the brush you'll understand the load time and slowly adding water. You will eventually see the lather really explode from the brush. It does need a good amount of work but I really like that, especially when I have a few days growth on my face, the brush exfoliates nicely.

In my opinion there are more fans of the Duke as the knot allows for less learning time coupled with the overall dimensions as some don't like the physical size.

Either way, I am sure you will be extremely pleased with your Duke. I would suggest using it and if you have the pocketbook then try the Chubby at a later date.

Good choices. The NF is super soft and only really good for creams (I'm a bit heavy handed though!)

If you would like any of your old brushes re-knotting/restoring drop me a p.m

Thanks, all, for the encouraging comments and advice.

After a bit of washing and "dry-run(?)" lathers, I've had a go with the New Forest for the first time today. After some humming and hahing about which to use (I use creams, soaps and croaps pretty indiscriminately), I tried it on Ogallala Bay Rum soap. It certainly works up an excellent bowl lather, and has exactly the feel I like. So NF have a convert in me, at any rate.

I hope to see the Duke at the start of the week, and I'm looking forward eagerly to using it.

@BigBoar-thanks for that. When I get over the excitement of these new brushes, I'll be hunting out old ones in workshop, garage, greenhouse and drawers, in hope of finding some worthy of restoration. If so, I'll be in touch.

Duke 3 now arrived, and I'm well-pleased with it.

I was so impressed with the NF2403 that I got a Tubby 2 to go with it. Already had RAD, but now BAD seems to have kicked in as well. In fact, I'm kicking myself for not getting some decent badgers sooner, as these bring out the best in every cream and soap I've tried them with so far.
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