Shaving comfort, SE style

All patents for the SE razors all have the same thing.

the blade edge is held in place with a tab on each corner. Proper centering, but prevents issues if you slide the razor sideway, for the most part, or hold it wrong on your face with that blade corner against the skin.

On de razors you only see the blade corner get protection on the Gillette heavy tech, all others leave it hanging out.

SO with the twin-jector blades, doesn't the top blade and its uncovered corners create a hazard?
Sorry I don't understand the question(s). I don't mean to be facetious, but hazards mentioned are easily avoidable, just don't slide the blade across your face horizontally?

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No Problems with a Twin Blade..Its a Single Twin Blade Design Unlike a Cartridge System..One Sits on Top slightly Behind the other..The Edges or Corners have a Chamfer..Not all SEs have Blade Stops..The Mongoose or the Rocnel are Examples of that..:)

An Injector Twin Blade SE Shave is the Most Comfortable SE Shave on the Planet with Factory Blades..No Bones about It..:D

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