Proraso Aloe and Green Tea Shaving Soap

Wednesday August 12, 2009
I enjoy the Proraso 'green' cream, so thought I'd give this a try.

Comes in a white plastic bowl that has a lid that clips on/off rather than screwing (settle down at the back!) Not very glamourous, but quite practical.

Even though it's sold as a soap, it's like a stiff cream. I read somewhere that it has the same consitency of a frozen yoghurt, and I agree. It lathers very easily, and it has similar qualities to the Proraso green cream that I have. It softens the beard nicely, gives a nice cusion and razor glide. It also still appears to have some menthol in it, but it's not as freezing as it's green brother or Ingram cream.

Fresh. It's quite pleasent, with a slight 'vegetable' note to it, and some citrus in there also. I have found myself opening the tub and having a sniff when in the vicinity. It's a bit more modern than the green. Less medicinal and barber-shoppy.

Bottom line
If you like the green Proraso, you'll be fine with this as long as you don't want frost-bite levels of cooling and can get on with the scent. For me, easlily on a par with the original Proraso, and probably better for your skin in the long term.

Interseting, I have the white pre-shave, as well as the green pre-shave. The difference between them is exactly as for the soaps, perform just as well but it does not have the same menthol kick.

Sounds like you can get the full Proraso treatment even if you don't like menthol. Good review, thanks.
Can anyone who has this do me a bit of a favour and measure the tub (at it's widest point if it's the same shape as the green tub), please? I'd be literally endebted to you!

PS - Please don't ask why. It's nothing kinky, it is just very lame :roll: .
For me, it's like this:

Ease of lathering: 10/10--Boom, boom, boom, and you're ready to go.

Longevity of lather: 10/10--Stays stable for as long as you want.

General skincare: 10/10--Sensitive skin like mine loves this stuff. Very, very soothing and protective.

Scent: 8/10--To me, much nicer than Proraso Green. Very fresh and pleasant.

Price: 8/10--7,25$ is not a budget-breaker. Quite reasonable, I'd say.

Would I buy again: 10/10 Certainly. I love this stuff.

I have a very sensitive skin and a very tough beard, and I get irritation if I just become startled. I find this white-bowled version of Proraso soap to be so easy to lather, with a lovely scent, and very gentle and protective skincare. The menthol effect is not as strong as its green-bowled brother, but it's still definitely there.
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