Mental Health Awareness

It's good to concentrate on your own problems, and your own relaxation methods, rather than being pushed to take on other people's problems by proxy. I'm talking about the news here. Often you alone can't solve the problem anyway.
Obviously not being part of a perceived problem can be a good thing, and not to dissuade people from taking action to help others, but sometimes, just sometimes, that becomes a burden and we just need to take time out to enjoy the things that are good for us and not carry an ever-increasing weight all the time. And not always chase the latest thing someone is trying to sell you!

I will of course forget this from time to time, sometimes wilfully, sometimes not!
Well I started a new job near the Lake District.
I am on a learning curve with lots of unknown functionality, due to local customised features.
I have found a home subject to references.
I am not enjoying the 7 hour temporary commute or staying in hotels. I can't wait to have stability, and I am not looking forward to moving everything
Well I started a new job near the Lake District.
I am on a learning curve with lots of unknown functionality, due to local customised features.
I have found a home subject to references.
I am not enjoying the 7 hour temporary commute or staying in hotels. I can't wait to have stability, and I am not looking forward to moving everything
That's good.... hope the new job goes well for you as well as the new home.
The lake district is a fantastic place. My brother lives nearby and frequently does walks with his Mrs.
Interesting fact only one body of water in the lake district is a lake.
Well I started a new job near the Lake District.
I am on a learning curve with lots of unknown functionality, due to local customised features.
I have found a home subject to references.
I am not enjoying the 7 hour temporary commute or staying in hotels. I can't wait to have stability, and I am not looking forward to moving everything

Congrats on the new job .

Im ashamed to say that I have never visited the Lake District...driven through a few times though
I'm on a good level ... it's more about stress for me, which sometimes has a bearing on my outlook.

I have had the opportunity this last year (yes, quite late in life) to work on things that I've buried, sat on and moved on from thinking "well, that's just my life" and yes, that's true in that it is who I am and how I am and what made me, but also the bits that were not right have been faced and dealt with. Actually, dealing with ... but have the strength to do so. I was speaking to a friend that I see only every now and again a few weeks ago and he said that he thought me a completely different person - still me, but like the good me, the positive me, the fun me ... amplified. I like me. I always did, but there were bits I didn't ... and it's good to have let them go.

Spring is coming and we will soon get that very short window when all the blossom comes out - first the cherry, then the hawthorn and finally the laburnum. I love those short few weeks and find it very uplifting each year.
All good my end even though I am being tested for sleep apnea atm and if I have it then it will mean having to be off work with reduced pay for at least 6 weeks before I can get my licence back, that's a little daunting as I am the only bread winner because the wife is too unwell to work.
I can't complain, life is good I have my family, friends and good health in general.
I am in a good place internally, how about yourself @donnie_arko ?
I was diagnosed as suffering from dissociation a few weeks back and have been struggling to accept this. I’ll tentatively proffer that I’m on a slight incline what with the lighter nights coming in and the great and wonderful ‘watershed’ that is British Summer Time. That extra hour of light at the end of the day is truly a God send.

My dissociation, I’m told, manifests at times of high anxiety and then develops into my brain shutting my ‘true self’ off. It’s as if some base survival instinct is triggered mentally and my behaviour is bizarre and very alarming. I’m not violent but I rant and rave nonsense apparently and swear in almost Tourette’s like fashion allegedly. Amongst other mad happenings, I’ve apparently gone outside and down our muddy lane in my pyjamas and bare feet muttering and gibbering to myself. I say apparently because I steadfastly refused to believe it until I was shown my feet which still bore traces of the mud my partner had tried to wash off.

It’s been hard to take, acutely embarrassing and deeply upsetting but I try to boil it down to the basic facts and not worry about my behaviour which has at least been explained and diagnosed by a decent trick cyclist. Once I knew what the hell was happening and why, I started very slowly to accept if not fully understand it. I’m told it’s more common with long term depression sufferers that one may initially think.

I’m told I tend to shout the ‘C’ word in plural form at the top of my voice when ‘gone’. I just tell myself that it’s no different from being at Hearts v Hibs match! Trying to find humour in it helped create the first shoots of some sort of acceptance.

Hope everyone out there is at least picking up due to the time of year and daylight enhanced seasonal change.
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Something that I thought would help me was regression therapy, going back through forgotten memories of discussions and events within your own lifetime. Some of you may have had the benefit of good parents and a happy childhood.

I had a session today where I recalled that when I was seven years old my grandmother took me to a hospital in York because she wanted money there and then for her body to be given to medical research after her death, can you imagine taking a child with you today to such a meeting.

My parents also told me that I was adopted and that they would pack a suitcase of my clothes, put it in the car and tell me that I was a disappointment and I was going back, all to a child under 10.

Some experts will suggest regression to deal with issues that may have started in childhood, be very careful about accepting, as interesting as it may seem.
Spring is coming and we will soon get that very short window when all the blossom comes out - first the cherry, then the hawthorn and finally the laburnum. I love those short few weeks and find it very uplifting each year.
Crocus for me - since i was a very young child, i always loved seeing that splash of vibrant colour poking itself up out of the soil.

To this day, it just makes me feel really happy that sunshine and summer are now on the way.
As posted previously, I have relocated and started a new role in the North East. I left my previous position as it was a toxic environment, the area was too expensive to live in. I didn't get the annual bonus that I was promised to make that relocation feasible. I was struggling financially.

I am now in my new role and a lovely home. My current employers use more of the software than I have been exposed to. Thankfully I am not suffering anxiety over this.

My health was poor, I have gone through flu, pneumonia and a severe cold. I also ran out of money and was switching money from one account to another as I entered overdrafts and going over credit limits and borrowing money from family. It wasn't long ago I had a good savings pot.

The good news if I pass my probation, is that I will be stable financially and mentally and in a good working environment.

Stay safe everyone.
How's everyone doing? Things are slowly improving for me. I'm back to work, and changed department (client account) and now I'm doing something incredibly dull yet complicated that nobody else wants to do, or can do. In the context of overwhelming stress, the opportunity to do something dull yet valued is actually a big plus. I consider it a form of rehab. Still in a lot of pain which saps my energy and motivation, so recovery is taking longer than I'd hoped but at least I'm functioning again.

I know I've been a bit absent from the forum. Partly that's because I'm trying not to sit looking at the Internet on my phone, but also because where I used to do lots of SotD pics, actually I've been using the same setup for ages, to wit: Yaqi Moka Express, Tabac tallow that Shubs found for me, and Tabac AS. Mostly with Razorock Hawk V3A and Kai Captain Pinks. I've done a couple of straight razor shaves too, which was nice to get back to, but never posted them.

Today I used a Sainsbury's Men Advance blade (actually white label Dorco stainless in plastic tucks with a Men Advance topper card in each). This was used in the Tech. I was expecting them to be awful - a mate of mine gave me about 60 because he had somehow got a job lot of them in his garage and didn't know what to use them for - but I got a lovely smooth and close 3 pass shave, much to my surprise and delight!
Things are really good with me. Dare I say excellent? Without being too specific it feels like a few long term plans I've been working towards are starting to finally be realised and I'm enjoying it while it lasts!
A thing that tops it all off for me is the weather has been excellent today; I'm sitting in front of an open window with the warmth of the sun on me whereas this time last week I had the heating on.

I hope everyone else is seeing improvements and if they aren't, well this is the right place if you want to chat.
I stopped posted photos / here and instagram.

Ofcourse still shaving and dabbling in buying new items .

My mental state has improved ten fold. I think my place is in the side lines where I can sit back and enjoy with the best view.

Sometimes when you’re on the field. You can’t stop to watch the game.


star wars film GIF by Vue
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