joseph allen

Hi All,
Why can't I answer my post. Any way, thanks to all who have replied to my questions. I bought an "Ogee" , that has turned out to be a Joseph Allen.
Many thanks to all who have mailed information. I bought a boxed "Ogee" straight, the box was correct but the razor was unknown to me. Now, I know it's a Joseph Allen, due to the excellent info from "The Shaving Room"!
Iceni said:
No problem!!!

No idea why you can't reply in your own thread tho.

Have you decided to keep it then?
Oh, yes. Quite happy now I know the make. I don't know the difference between the two razors but from what I have gleaned from yourselves the Joseph Allen is more sought after than the Ogee. I'm not saying better because I really couldn't tell the difference as I am not that well informed.
Once again many thanks for your help.
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