how many blades do you have? who has the most blades on the forum?

I've known @Satanfriendly, in actual real life,

I have a real life?

Please don't let a handle that he's used on forums since forever

Was that before I was ejected from a certain forum for being a Troll apparently? I may look like one and hide under bridges attacking goats (especially that twat called gruff) but not in an Internet sense. Okay, I did troll in respect of calling a knobhead a knobhead. Which he was. And I would have ripped his testicles off with my bare hands, but other than that I am a very nice chap. And @Rob998 you're a boss bloke. We need pubs to open again
I got about roughly 450, I think that's me done lol

View attachment 62429
I love the briefcase presentation! Brilliant!

I have about 10 blades, random selection, including a couple of Gillette Nacet which are my favourites I think. I've got a couple of Vokshod also that I seem to remember having good shaves with and some Feathers in the post.
I love the briefcase presentation! Brilliant!

I have about 10 blades, random selection, including a couple of Gillette Nacet which are my favourites I think. I've got a couple of Vokshod also that I seem to remember having good shaves with and some Feathers in the post.
thanks mate :)

just get a sampler pack which has the most samples, like the one i got was £30 for 130 blades, suc h a big variety and last long,
then you can buy bulk of whatever tickles your fancy :)

15 shaves? I thought I was going good with 3/4.....

I normally use a blade for a week but sometimes I forget to change blade and use it for 2 weeks, the shave is fine untill I put a fresh blade in the razor then it's like I am skinning myself and aftershave burns like feck. Yea as blade wears pressure gets greater. So I do compensate for less sharper blade.
I suppose I've got about 5 or 600 blades most of which are in my "rejects" box. Lurking in that very box are 200 Derby Extras planted by an intruder. A good use for redundant blades is to scrape the glass on your car its amazing the crud they bring off on what appears to be a clean windscreen.
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