Help Needed

Tuesday September 30, 2014
So today I had my first 'real' shave with my new kit. All went well, better than expected I must admit with only a couple of spots appearing.

The one issue I've found since drying off is the lower lip corners still retaining some harsh stubble. Nothing that noticeable but my top lip keeps finding it.

Any recommendations?

To make that area more accessible to the blade you have to stretch that skin, how you do is up to you. I tend to stretch the skin across my teeth while forming as if forming an O , not pretty or you can pull the skin down with your fingers or push the area out with your tongue from within your mouth.
I get a bit sensitive in those areas if I get too close a shave - pushing out with my tongue is a recipe for ingrowers after (for me); closing my mouth and blowing up my cheeks seems to be just right.

One thing which will come with time is your understanding of your own beard map, just how the hair lies and with a few shaves you'll have a more intuitive path around your face with the razor. In the meantime, religious north/south for the "with the grain" pass and outside/in or middle/out horizontally for the "cross the grain" pass. If you can stand to leave it at that rather than polishing up the missing areas those areas you missed will be a LOT more apparent with the next shave and easier to catch the knack of in the long term.
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