Giant Marrow fat Peas?

RE: Giant Marrow fat Pea's?

pugh-the-special-one said:
Anyone else out there like me who love Giant marrow fat pea's, I also love mushy, but Farrow's giant marrow fat are my all time favourite.


I never buy them in tins or packets, but I almost always have mushy peas from the chippy. I never did until I lived in Nottingham from the age of eighteen and was introduced to, in no particular order: chips with gravy, chips with curry sauce, chips with mushy peas and chips eaten cold the next morning. I then progressed on to pizza eaten cold the next day and finally the breakfast kebab. The last one by the lady that is now my wife, the skanker!! :icon_razz:
Re: Giant Marrow fat Pea's?

Hate hate hate. I love fresh or frozen garden peas, and mushy peas, but un-mushy tinned peas are just an error.
RE: Giant Marrow fat Pea's?

Nah, I only like frozen garden peas. Those tinned big things are an abomination, though my uncle used to eat them on sliced white bread, literally a pea butty. The nutter.
I haven't seen proper dried marrow fat peas in a box since I was a kid.....but then, I guess I haven't been driven to look for them. When soaked (with baking soda???) and boiled up, they certainly weren't as lurid a green as what the chip shop sells.
However, they are another neglected food that might be returned to in these straightened times.
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