Feather safety razor co.,ltd like to talk

I sent feather razor co a e-mail just to see how much Thay care about the little man using thair products the E-mail I sent was:
Please except my humble gratitude, after trying most brands of DE razor blades, never have I been so amazed by any other makers as I have by your blades, I would their four like to take this opportunity to thank all of your employes for their dedication and hard work in their never ending quest for perfection of the blade. Thank you and I wish you all happiness and success in the future.
Kind regards

J kingsford.

And I got a reply which is:

Dear mr kingsford

How are you? Thank you very much for your kind admiration to us! We will forward your warm message to our factory and R&D centre.
We appreciate your interest in Feather shaving products and hope you enjoy your shaving with Feather razor blades!
Sincerely yours,
Feather Safety Razor Co.,Ltd.
Y. Takahata(mr.)-Senior Manager

Nice to know that Thay do care about us and not just how much money they can make out of us.
Lose the beard said:
Didn't offer you any freebies though did they ;)

Sadly no but notice my words distinctly Japanese like but in English ( didn't want ninja assassins bumping me off in my sleep):)

Helveticum said:
John said:
Nice to know that Thay do care about us and not just how much money they can make out of us.

Well, Japanese managerial paradigm is quite different to the one of the modern West.
I noticed that by the feather video of the factory all working towards a common goal:idea:
Tall_Paul said:
Nice that they replied back. Makes you more confident if there were any problems with any of their products.

Yes your spot on I think that feather's quality control is way o.t.t the germans only bother to do a single cut test but the japs go nuts with the cut test chomping away at thick wet paper 6/8 times.
Helveticum said:
John said:
I noticed that by the feather video of the factory all working towards a common goal:idea:

Interesting. Could you post a link?



if that dont work then go to you tube and serch for feather world wide video have fun!
You're lucky your email got a readable reply, Japanese to English can result in some funny turns of phrase.

My favourite (albeit fictional) wronglish was on the show "NewsRadio". A writer had a book out that was entitled "Jimmy James: Capitalist lion tamer". When he had it translated into Japanese, and then back to English (it became a Japanese bestseller so increasing interest in the English language format) he found that it had now become: "Jimmy James: Macho Business Donkey Wrestler"
(Episode: Super karate monkey death car).

Glorious sunset of my heart was fading. Soon the super karate monkey death car would park in my space. But Jimmy has fancy plans, and pants to match.
Canuck said:
You're lucky your email got a readable reply, Japanese to English can result in some funny turns of phrase.

My favourite (albeit fictional) wronglish was on the show "NewsRadio". A writer had a book out that was entitled "Jimmy James: Capitalist lion tamer". When he had it translated into Japanese, and then back to English (it became a Japanese bestseller so increasing interest in the English language format) he found that it had now become: "Jimmy James: Macho Business Donkey Wrestler"
(Episode: Super karate monkey death car).

Glorious sunset of my heart was fading. Soon the super karate monkey death car would park in my space. But Jimmy has fancy plans, and pants to match.
That's very funny :icon_razz: may be the Japanese thought it was a commady book :)
You do know that had you sent a negative email, every senior manager is obliged to dive bomb kamikaze style into a pool of rejected blades.
stevec said:
i like the shaving test in the video! good to see that they are really tested!

Yeh I like the way Thay test the blades as,well gives better confidence in the blades. Going to buy some more soon:icon_razz:
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