Feather AS-D2 Back On Massdrop

Thanks for that, Paul....appreciated.

As is evident, shaving ie have it @ £139.46.... more than I myself would be prepared to pay for one razor.

And, as mentioned above, if it crept in under a hundred notes then I, personally, could probably talk myself into it...but, with all the stuff we can buy from all round the world I feel it necessary to draw a line somewhere and that's where my own line is drawn for such a thing. Delightful as I'm sure it is (according to most, if not all users).

Admittedly, I'm ever so slightly wary of getting it and finding it really doesn't cut the mustard compared to my other razors. I have a Weber, R41 and ATT-S2, Standard Razor and a Progress, among others, and happen to think I get some darn good shaves from them. I wonder what the AS-D2 is going to offer that I don't already have? (apart from superb Japanese engineering, admittedly).

But will watch progress with interest, as always.

Thanks again.
Hi all

I'll start a separate thread on this once I have some clarification, but I would like interested parties to know that one of our suppliers has offered to facilitate a group buy of Feather AS-D2 razors. If we can get enough interest, the likely cost would be less than the Massdrop offering if VAT is raised, but somewhat more the the UTR price. It might be thought that speed, convenience and buying in the UK would be a plus point. :)

If you are interested, please keep an eye open for a thread in the Group Buy forum in the next few days and record your interest there.
I have now created a thread to gauge interest in the Group Buys forum.
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