Cold water shave

I've just had my first cold water shave tonight. Thought it might be interesting to add my thoughts.


Soap lathered just as well.
Less irritation.
Very refreshing.
Much less water used when using a combi boiler.


Razor doesn't rinse as easily.
Feels somewhat spartan. Less luxurious than using warm water.


For me, the positives outweigh the negatives. Nice to know it agrees with me.

I wouldn't do it when it's sub zero but it will definitely have a place in my routine and I'll be using it a lot during the summer.
Mattyb, you just answered my next question - temperature. I may give this a try tomorrow and see how I get on. Presumably the technique and rest of the prep. is exactly the same? Any other tips?
NotTheStig said:
Mattyb, you just answered my next question - temperature. I may give this a try tomorrow and see how I get on. Presumably the technique and rest of the prep. is exactly the same? Any other tips?

Yeah prep is the same for me, although I use Proraso white prep/post and like to use more then the average amount because....well just because I like to!

It's an odd feeling first time as you expect it to feel different. When in truth it doesn't! Once you realise you can just relax and enjoy the shave.

I can say confidently I get the best shaves this way.
Well, prep is not exactly the same. This whole technique has its roots in an old barber book, and summarising pre-shave instructions I could highlight the following:
1. Wash your face with a soap to remove any debris (can do with warm water, doesn't matter)
2. Apply a thin coating of barely lathered shave cream and massage into the stubble (well, we kinda do the same with the pre-shave creams so I skip this now)
3. Tap your face dry between rinsing (with cold water, of course!) applications of the cream - I think this is a major difference to what might be used to.

This method by the way presupposes face lathering, but I bowl-lather most of the time, it's good all the same.
My bathroom isn't the warmest when I get up, (yes, I could change the timer, but am tight, lol) especially as it's winter here in good ol England. I originally tried cold water shaving a couple of months back but found I cut myself quite badly, missed the feeling of warm water and a warm brush too much and the shock of the cold was just too much! However, I recently saw a post that mentioned using room temp water rather than the freezing cold water I tried, so I thought I'd give it another try.... Well I don't plan to go back this time! Much better shaves, less nicks and irritation on the ATG pass (which is always the dodgy one for me, how many times have I thought I should have stopped at good enough!!). Don't get me wrong, I do still miss a nice warm rinse and particularly the warm brush, but the benefits are just too great.
H are you saying to put more pre shave in between passes in stage 3, or a thin layer of lather? I've only ever used the pre shave before the first pass, after that its just lather and shave for the remaining passes.
I'm interested to see if I've got this right.
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