Clemak ... What a piece of trash!

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
What a piece of rubbish!

No, seriously, this is a cheap razor. It looks cheap, it feels cheap, it's rough, it's ready, it's still raring to go ... and it's over 100 years old!

Check out my (new to me) Clemak!

It's a sprung head single edge razor with a stropper that screws onto the handle, which itself unscrews from the head.










... but ... you know what? It works with a GEM :D


It's light, it's cheap, it's trash ... but it's 100 year old trash and I reckon it'll shave like a beauty!
Oof! Wouldn't shave a lab rat with that. Not that I'm into shaving lab rats or anything....:blush:

Crikey, remember that recent thread? Imagine taking that downstairs. Think I'd rather use my garden shears! In one picture it looks like it's trying to be a shavette/blade-on-a-stick thing. :icon_eek:

One for the collection though, eh Paul? What you at now? Is that Razor #472 or #473? :icon_razz:
You know what, guys?

I've had a few gins this eve' and when the spirit takes you, it's wise to go with it ...

No, I've not shaved with it. Tonight was a lovely Streamline shave. What I did do was polish it. It's silver, from what I can make out.





... and after a very tentative scrape down my cheek after a three pass Streamline/Feather combo shave, I got a bit more off! I'll give this a go tomorrow with this NOS GEM blade.

Ron - I gather you simply did not like it. Forgive me, I should pay more attention to SOTD, but do you use a DE or SE regularly? I'm mostly an SE shaver. Was it rough? Was it rubbish? It is light, isn't it? Like a cheap razors.

Oh, Graeme - 132 :D
Apologies Paul, I don't tend to post a SOTD very often.
I use SE razors exclusively. I found the Clemak to be overly aggressive and difficult to get a feel for.
Perhaps I should give it another go now my technique has improved.
Interesting - thank you for the reply. My most recent experience of very vintage single edge shaving is with a Le Grelot. There is a yawning blade gap on that one and it's more like shaving with a Rolls Razor (wedge on a stick) than a GEM or ER. This one appears okay, but I think it will want a light touch and a fresh blade - I bet with a worn in blade and just gentle pressure, it could turn around an bite.

We'll see ...

Yes! Do try it again. I've gone back to razors I'd written off and thoroughly enjoyed them.
Thanks, buddy! Yes, it has made a HUGE difference and actually very easy indeed. I've since had a go at the underside of spring area and that's come up bonny now. My routine was simply, Asda washing up liquid, toothbrush, then Peek polish on a toothbrush, then repeat the washing up liquid. Spritz of isopropyl alcohol and it's gleaming ... shave ready.

It's still a cheapo piece of rubbish, mind ... a shiny one, tho' :D
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