Arko Cream

I picked this up in a local Turkish grocery store for £2


I had a shave with it today; easy to get a nice, thick lather and good glide and cushion even if the glide isn't up to a T&H or Trumpers (but then again very few are). The scent is nothing at all like the evil Arko soap stick, but still smells more like something you would use to clean your floor rather than a high end English cream. That's not necessarily a bad thing as some of the floor cleaners smell quite nice :icon_wink:

All in all an inexpensive cream that performs very well and well worth the £2 I paid for it.
Some chap is selling 6 tubes for £9 on Ebay. I may be taking a bite myself at that price. Name is barbertrades and seems to sell lemon cologne as well.
jeepie said:
It's a Marmite thing, but I absolutely love the toilet tang of the Arko stick. Will have to try to pick some of this up and give it a go!

I used the stick today, and I really think it's not the objectionable scent that some make of it ... in fact, I do like it :blush:
I am almost looking forward to my Proraso green running out, about 15% left. next in line is a tub of Arko, which I have only tried once but find myself sticking my nose in when ever passing.
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