Any BT email users?

I've been using an account with (part of bt yahoo) for a long time now. This morning I found out my account was barred, as they are now charging customers to use Premium mail who don't use BT as their broadband. I might switch to another email provider (Gmail) but I'm gonna lose all my contacts.

So what I plan to do is sign up for a free 12 month service then move all contacts to a new address, and cancel the service after a year.

I find it really stupid you have to pay for email, and I don't want to in this case.

Anyone else experience the same problem?
DPTC said:
I've been using an account with (part of bt yahoo) for a long time now. This morning I found out my account was barred, as they are now charging customers to use Premium mail who don't use BT as their broadband. I might switch to another email provider (Gmail) but I'm gonna lose all my contacts.

So what I plan to do is sign up for a free 12 month service then move all contacts to a new address, and cancel the service after a year.

I find it really stupid you have to pay for email, and I don't want to in this case.

Anyone else experience the same problem?

Listen mate, they did the same to me after i left them, as their service is crap, but no way would i pay those scumbags to have their e-mail address. A year on, after i transferred all my e-mails to a GMail account, and my BT e-mail is still working. If they cant get that right, that tells you a lot about their service!
I don't know where this came from, maybe cos BT have taken over yahoo and merged or something who knows.

I could export contacts yeah, though if what happened with Rola worked for me I could keep the address haha.
Back in the mists of time BTInternet as they were then outsourced their email to Yahoo and rebranded as BTYahoo. They then rerebranded as BTBroadband and kept the Yahoo mail service.

Now they are binning the Yahoo infrastructure in favour of a service run (if I recall correctly) by CriticalPath...

I've not trusted an ISP with my email service for almost 20 years now... Makes switching ISP a simple job too :)

As someone who has worked in voice & data networking for most of the last 20 years, BT are high on my list of "providers of last resort". Not quite the top but very close to it. Wouldn't trust anyone in sales or planning there to be able to sit the right way up on a toilet.
They did send out warning emails last year. I was expecting my account to close earlier in the year. Now mines blocked.
I'd moved most of my email to my gmail account and used gmail's pop3 connector to collect any from my talk21 account.
What was annoying was the account wasn't linked to any BT isp service, I subscribed when it was advertised as a free for life service. BT received a bit of backlash when they announced they were moving the Talk21 service to the paid for only.
They are trying to recoup all that silly money they paid for showing Premier league and European football that no-one is subscribing to. By trying to force customers into taking other services and tying it in.
As said, using a nonISP email makes moving around so much easier.
I can see a lot of people quitting the service after a year when its free, I know I will be, and probably find the account still works a year later!
I too have fallen foul of the BT blackmail scam!! I signed up to 'talk21' back in 1998. The primary attraction was that it was NOT linked to an ISP, which back in those days, ISPs were going bust every other week. It was a 'free for life' concept, bringing 'talk' for the 21st century, hence the name.

Over the years, it was shuffled about from one owner to the next, until BT finally started putting the nail in it's coffin. I have 5 x 'talk21' addresses which are being held to ransom. Pay £1.50/month or lose it! After nearly 17 years, I have almost 20,000 emails in my primary address.

So, I've signed up for my 'free' year, and downloaded all my emails to a 'GMail' address. The number of accounts/site registrations/ and god knows what that are registered to it are so numerous, it's an absolute PIA, and I can't stress how much I hate BT for doing this, and will lambast them at every opportunity that is afforded to me LOL.

I guess there's nothing more I can do, until Google decide to start charging for their 'free' email service too!
I've made a gmail account so sometime next year will be looking at transferring contacts over. Complete BS that we have to pay £1.50 a month.
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