
Tuesday December 31, 2013
Hi all, I'm Adrian from the cheshire area, I've always wet shaved as electric gives me a horrendous rash but it's always been cartridge based. Having recently rediscovered actually taking care of myself I want to try and turn something I've found a chore into an enjoyable experience, I'm looking for any advice on de razor choice for a beginner? I have coarse facial hair but am quite sensitive when it comes to rash and burn, I've looked at vintage razors and like the idea but don't know enough to make an informed choice or what's a reasonable price to pay?
Welcome to TSR Adrian.
If you're looking for a vintage razor to start with a Gillette Tech is mild and an easy razor to use.
If you're buying new then an Edwin Jagger DE89 or Muhle R89 would be a good start.
A selection of blades is sold by one of our members 'lose the beard' in the BST section on this forum.
Hi Adrian


A Merkur 34C and any of the cheaper Jagger DE razors are very popular here.

As to vintage, a Gillette Tech or Superspeed are safe choices. Often on offer here. Prices vary but doubt you'd need to exceed £30 for one in good condition. Happy to be corrected!
Hello from of the border in north wales. As other have said before the de89 is a good starting point.
Team that up with a green astra blade (good all rounder blade) and reasonably cheap.
Palmolive cream and a brush and away to go.
Hi Adrian - Welcome to TSR.

I cannot say more than echo the advice given already - one of the non-combed razors from Merkur, Muhle or Edwin Jagger will do you proud. Find the correct angle by placing the razor head directly on your face with the handle sticking out sideways, lower the handle until it bites and that's the correct angle - use that, following the lines of your face. You'll get the hang of it ...

Pamper yourself with some lovely products and really boost that enjoyment you've found. Snatching that half hour of silence, concentration and indulgence is so worth it.
Thank you for the advice, I like the look of the Edwin jagger suggested and also with regard to the suggested gillette razors what's the differences between the two? Excuse my ignorance I'm used to 17 varieties of quattro in boots. I've been using brush and soap for a few years and post shave balms, I have found the mantic59 videos very helpful so far
adeNW said:
Thank you for the advice, I like the look of the Edwin jagger suggested and also with regard to the suggested gillette razors what's the differences between the two? Excuse my ignorance I'm used to 17 varieties of quattro in boots. I've been using brush and soap for a few years and post shave balms, I have found the mantic59 videos very helpful so far

The vintage Gillette razors are made from brass. The Edwin Jagger and Muhle are made from a zinc metal which is a poor relation to the brass used by Gillette to make the vintage razors.
Having said that the modern DE razors will last if you take care of them both the Jagger DE89 and Muhle R89 have the same head so shave the same.
Hi there Adrian, there's loads of advice here at TSR and if you keep an eye on the Buy, Sell, Trade section then you'll snap up your next razor for a bargain price too!

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