Advice for shaving foam/shaving allergies (dry skin)

I used to find it very painful and difficult to have a shave as I have eczema. I could not use shaving foam as it dried my skin out, so I started using Ultrabase Emollient Cream, it makes up a sort of nice lather, and is good for your skin, my doctor prescribes it for me but it is probably available over the counter as well. Now I can start looking smooth again and have a shave without any problems! I assume any other creamy emollient would also do the same job. Have a word with your doctor and see what he/she says.
Further to the Ultrabase, as a fellow sufferer from skin probs it may be worthwhile thinking of making your next soap one of our artisan or vegan soaps. Any of the TSR soapmakers produce great products, usually with an unscented option. No parabenes or nasties and the skin feels gr8.

JohnnyO. o/
I suffer from eczema, hence why my face flares up like a baboons arse with some shaving soaps and creams,
Though I must admit that DE shaving has improved things, but only because I moisturise every day now and don't wait until it flares up, in fact I moisturise first thing in the morning, and last thing at night, I don't use specific eczema creams though.
It's very trial & error for myself when it comes down to creams.I don't use soaps.I always go back to morrisons own sensitive menthol shaving gel & always use shaving oil in my prep.To hydrate & moisturise I use Garnier 24 hours + body moisturiser lotion.
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