Adding Glycerin

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I was just pondering whether I could improve a soap and vaguely thought I might have seen someone mention
So, I reckon I have been spoiled by recent soaps. I revisited my TOBS Jermyn Street.
I just can't seem to get as good as what I am used to now. (P&B, Vitos, OSP)
But I love it. I love the smell.

So, I see I don't need to add a lot here.
How much should I add please?

I was also wondering whether if i grated the soap, I could make up a batch?
(I am pretty lazy)
Do we think it would soak up or settle out?
When I whip a lather, I add a few drops, up to a 1/4 teaspoon. Any more than that and it starts getting sticky. As for batch preparing grated soap, I can't say, never tried :)
I use Glycerin to lube razor threads and also TTO mechanisms. On a whim, I used the Pere Lucien formula for improving Monsavon shave soap, but with a current made puck of Williams shave soap made in the USA. The biggest complaints against this modern version are that it is a bast#@$ to lather and lacks glide. I cut up the puck into small pieces and added 40 drops (2ml) of Glycerin and then proceeded to knead it all into a ball. I then pressed it into a bowl and let it harden/cure for a spell. The resultant shaves were incredible!! Remarkable difference!! For a little "elbow grease" you can turn a $1.00 soap into a winner. Call me a believer. ;)
I use Glycerin to lube razor threads and also TTO mechanisms. On a whim, I used the Pere Lucien formula for improving Monsavon shave soap, but with a current made puck of Williams shave soap made in the USA. The biggest complaints against this modern version are that it is a bast#@$ to lather and lacks glide. I cut up the puck into small pieces and added 40 drops (2ml) of Glycerin and then proceeded to knead it all into a ball. I then pressed it into a bowl and let it harden/cure for a spell. The resultant shaves were incredible!! Remarkable difference!! For a little "elbow grease" you can turn a $1.00 soap into a winner. Call me a believer. ;)
Wow! I manage to use Williams just by adding hot water to the puck while I shower. Once in regular use it just needs a table spoon of hot water to sit on it and that does the job. I find the modern Williams easy to lather give great razor glide. I face lather and with a swirl on the puck for about 20 seconds with boar and aggressive face lathering gives enough for a three pass shave and i then squeeze the rest out and back on to the puck in the mug till the next time i shave with it.

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