A few things

1) Price drops.

I keep seeing them happen too often. Some items come up here at great prices, and people keep dropping the price over a short period of time to try and sell it. There aren't thousands of people who look here, so it may take some time for someone to see an item who wants it. It may be best for people to be a bit more patient and stop dropping prices. I think it's a shame when something sells for much less than what it's really worth. Most of us here will admit we have a bit of an itchy trigger finger when it comes to buying stuff, so it's a bit of a kicker if we can't get a good value back on something.

2) The rule says to sell you need to be an active member, and that's a good thing. However could the rule be made a bit more clearer so that people who aren't perhaps very active here, or who are very new aren't discouraged from buying? I can't see why it'd be a problem since they're sending the money first? Or am I missing something?

3) A member has kept the slant from the pass around, while that wasn't done on the BST I'd still think it'd be a good idea to name and shame.

4) Having BST is awesome. It's great knowing there's a less nasty environment than eBay where we can get rid of items that we don't need. I am worried that at some point something goes wrong. An active member, could for example, put a whole lot up for sale and gather in a couple of hundred quid and walk away, only losing his membership here. I've been quite guilty of paying by gift only, and I suspect although the advice is not to ask for gift payments etc... does anyone know how much Paypal charge for this and what the protection is? I think we may be just lucky to have not had someone do a rip off so far and I'd hate for someone to lose out.
Halk, agree with you on the sales. I suggest a rule of thumb that no price reductions until 24hrs have passed, which would give everyone a chance to see the post & decide if they wanted to buy. Not much different to eBay, in terms of selling, in that the items here often go the same night, whereas there you could be waiting a week. I know that you can nominate a 24hr sale, but then you will probably get less viewings & therefore less potential bidders.
Hang on... you're complaining that other people are selling things too cheaply? Surely their call.

Frankly I just don't think there's a problem. Not broken, will not fix.
The only time you don't have Paypal protection is when you make the payment as a gift, other than that you are protected, so it's up to you, but I have faith and trust in the TSR members and have no problems making gift payments to them.

I'll address your points individually with my opinions, but I am not taking part in any debate. This is, if you like, my tuppence worth.

1) If it doesn't sell, it's too expensive or nobody wants it. That's how selling things works, everywhere.

2) This has been discussed before, and it was decided to leave things as they are, given that very few people have had very few issues. It's pretty easy to spot somebody that has joined the forum just to sell something, so you make a decision to buy or not based on that.

3) Has the pass around been bought by or just kept by a member? Either way, it is between the owner of the razor and the current possessor of the razor.

4) One of the most wonderful things about BST and this forum in general is the good behaviour and trust between members. There have been one or two that push their luck, but they are easily spotted and ignored.


I'm with you on this Jamie, that's my sentiment exactly.

Just copied this of PayPal's website re buyer protection, just for clarity:

13.2 What are the eligibility requirements for PayPal Buyer Protection?

You must meet all of these requirements to be eligible for a payment under PayPal Buyer Protection:

a.Your payment must be for an eligible item and made from your PayPal Account (see Section 13.3 for further details on item eligibility);

b.Pay the full amount of the eligible item in one payment. Items purchased with multiple payments – like a deposit followed by a final payment – are not eligible;

c.Send the payment to the Payment Recipient through:

i.the eBay “Pay Now” button or the eBay invoice, or

ii.the “Send Money” button of your PayPal account by selecting “eBay Item” and entering your eBay User ID and the eBay item number; or

iii.for purchases made outside of eBay: the Send Money tab on the PayPal website by clicking the “Purchase” tab, or the Payment Recipient's PayPal checkout flow; and

d.Open a Dispute within 45 days of the date you sent the payment and follow the online dispute resolution process described below under “How do I resolve my problem?” in section 13.5.

iii is the key part
Dave's intentions, I have no doubt whatsoever, are totally genuine and spring from the enjoyment and satisfaction he gets from being a member on here. The guy is simply suggesting a few things out of his care and liking for this place and the vast majority of its members. I do, however, agree with the sentiments that it's 'not broke and don't need fixing'. It seems to work fine enough as it is and if anyone is seen to cross any line in the sand, a little common decency and sense should sort it in no time. If not, then that's what the mods are for.

It'd be a right poor scenario if no one thought of improvements now and again, even if they're not agreed to be useful or ultimately adopted. Clear thinking, out in the open is always the best way but at the same time we shouldn't feel a need to question everything all the time. Dave's very much one of the good guys on here and doesn't fall into this latter group.

Thanks to TSR and its members for all the help I've had and apologies from me for whenever I've been a tit!
pugh-the-special-one said:
The only time you don't have Paypal protection is when you make the payment as a gift, other than that you are protected, so it's up to you, but I have faith and trust in the TSR members and have no problems making gift payments to them.


I can second that regarding a gift payment .No safeguard on your payment at all.Been posted numerous times before on here. All you will get is probably the member banned if dodgy selling is proven.As for your money that's gone.Been there and worn the
None of the proposed changes cover the Time Zone Problem!! By the time that the Sun reaches us in the West all the good items are already sold.
And think of our poor brothers in Australia. By the time they read it, it's tomorrow!!:)-(
I too am of the opinion that if it isn't broken don't fix it. I have both brought and sold a few items on here and think that the process that is currently in place works well. If somebody wishes to reduce an item hours after posting it then that is their choice. If people miss out on a sale because the price has reduced then I'm afraid, in my opinion that's life.
1) It's not your decision to dictate to anyone about prices, as already stated earlier the market decides
2)The rule like you say is aimed at sellers, there is no mention of a restriction on people buying so I don't know how it could be misconstrued
3)I will have a look at that when I get some time and try to resolve it.
4)The gift payment option is not advice it is a condition of using the BST section, you should not be asking for gift payments or your ability to use the BST will be revoked. It is there to try and offer some comeback if anyone does a runner with the money (which has happened before and was the reason the gift option was not stopped)

The majority of this is outlined in the sticky posts at the top of the BST which of course everyone reads before they even think about using the BST section.....
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