2 new razors a Filarmonica and a Nichiri




I recently sold off just about my Whole Gem Blade SE Collection & I spent some of the Doe on these 3 Shave Ready SRs..I got them through the Door Yesterday..The Top one is a Henckels Solingen 7/8..Its actually just over a 7/8..Its a mean size blade..I just had a shave with it & its as Smooth as Icing on a Cake..This Guy has done some Job on these Blades..The 2nd One is a Herder Solingen 6/8 & the 3rd One is an NOS Japanese FUJI 6/8..I was Stunned at the Condition of these 3 Razors as they look as if they came out the factory Yesterday..:D

You have a start to a nice collection, best go with quality over quantity it always makes sense in the long run I sold many razors over the years I now only keep or buy razors that are NOS mostly Japanese and very difficult to find.
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