The Body Shop Woes

Paul L

Chief GOW
Friday April 14, 2017
With The Body Shop going into administration, we may be about to lose another very good shaving cream?
OK, it's scent isn't much to.write home about, but it's a very good cream and affordable.
I'm lucky in that I have a tub or three.
Any newbies that haven't used it, I recommend you grab some while you can before it's too late.
The way the British high street is going, there won't be much left in a few years time. I'm still sad/furious about losing Wilko tbh, but that's something else entirely!

Maybe Body Shop could survive as an online only retailer? It seems Lush came along and filled their spot in the market. I hope Body Shop have some kind of presence in whatever form.
The way the British high street is going, there won't be much left in a few years time. I'm still sad/furious about losing Wilko tbh, but that's something else entirely!

Maybe Body Shop could survive as an online only retailer? It seems Lush came along and filled their spot in the market. I hope Body Shop have some kind of presence in whatever form.

Shame for them, I loved their vintage formula shaving cream. In fact it was the first shaving cream that I used.
in retail you have to adapt to the market and I think that today it is too niche for mass market.

You’re right about the GB High Street, it’s dying a slow laboured death. Full of pound shops, reconditioned/second hand gadget shops, nail salons & corporate coffee shops. A working bank with counter service is rarity.
Shame for them, I loved their vintage formula shaving cream. In fact it was the first shaving cream that I used.
in retail you have to adapt to the market and I think that today it is too niche for mass market.

You’re right about the GB High Street, it’s dying a slow laboured death. Full of pound shops, reconditioned/second hand gadget shops, nail salons & corporate coffee shops. A working bank with counter service is rarity.
Where I live you can't move for barbers.
If it's empty for more than two days another one opens.
I bet J.K Rowling is fuming. As for the Albainian/Turkish? Barbers. You need a hard look at yourself if you use one and shun the Traditional British Barbers who are struggling because they are surrounded by these Albainain launderers who charge £2.00 less. No thanks, I'll support my own local Barber everytime.
Why can't we support our own?
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I bet J.K Rowling is fuming. As for the Albainian/Turkish? Barbers. You need a hard look at yourself if you use one and shun the Traditional British Barbers who are struggling because they are surrounded by these Albainain launderers who charge £2.00 less. No thanks, I'll support my own local Barber everytime.
Why can't we support our own?

In my area, you can spot the 'laundrettes' from a mile away, they are all bright and shiny with no one getting their hair cut, also seem to have more barbers on the premises. The long established ones, have fewer guys working there, have shabby shops, but a lot of customers.

My disdain lies with the local authorities that allow this to run free range, always hiking up their rates so few small businesses can afford them. In Central London that used to have a lot of decent shops, but one by one they were taken over by 'American Candy' stores that no one goes too.

I'm sure it's like this nationwide. The death of the high street isn't dying by accident, but those responsible for it's health have failed to move with the times or otherwise.
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